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      The day was clear. No  clouds grazed the sky, a light blue reigned upon it. Her school uniform wasn't comfortable. She dreamed to not have stayed with the blazer on.

    "Can we just take the ramen and go?" Ara asked as she tugged her big sister's sleeve.

    Nari shook her head, "You'll stay with a friend of mine while I do some work stuff."

   "Jimin?" She asked timidly and her big sister chuckled.

   She could picture her face whenever the girl would glance at Jimin. Her eyes twinkled and her pupils dilated.

   This wasn't a crush anymore, it was something else.

    "You wish it was Jimin," she took two bowls of ramen from Suk's store and walked to the cashier, "you'll be staying with Eun and Hye." she lied, Nari knew who she'd be staying with.

     Ara sighed, "You had one job, you could've chosen Jimin but no–"

       The chime from the bell was heard through the store as it signaled that someone had entered. Steps were heard coming closer to the sisters. Who could it be?

     The orange haired boy strolled inside the store and Nari smirked.

     Sure, she had thought that Jimin was bad for his sister. Now that she knows he was her childhood friend, she knows that Jimin would never hurt Ara.

    She gave him the talk on how she would be okay if he didn't lead her on. He said he wouldn't.

   Let's hope he doesn't.

   "You were saying?" Jimin asked as he stood in front of both girls; the smiling one and the shocked-out-of-her-mind one.

   The girl stuttered in the presence of Jimin, "H-hi, Jimin

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   The girl stuttered in the presence of Jimin, "H-hi, Jimin."

   His eyes found hers and Nari saw him soften at the sight of his little sister, "Hi Ara, nice seeing you again."

    Those stares they gave each other said a lot. Nari noticed.

    "Okay," she shook her sister's shoulders, "focus. You'll be staying with Jimin, Eun and Hye; they're waiting inside the car. I'll pick you up at twelve in the afternoon." she told her baby sister and almost giggled at her cuteness when she nodded rapidly.

   She could be cute whenever she wanted to.

   Walking toward Jimin she squeezed his shoulder, "Take care of her," she was serious, "I'll let you know what we find."

   Jimin nodded, "I'll be on the lookout."

   She took this as her sign to kiss her sister's cheek, pat Jimin's back, say goodbye to the new owner of the store, Dan and leave.

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