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"Okay so force equals mass times acceleration," Mr. Joung, their math teacher said as she scribbled on the board, "that is Newton's second law of motion."

Suddenly the bell rang making the class stand up. They were all leaving as if they had been tortured. After all, it's math; it is torture.

Nari's head hit the desk abruptly. She had fallen asleep in math class for the first time ever. Luckily there was no more math class for the day so she wouldn't be getting detention this time.

      "I'm not surprised." Eun sighed as they both stood up and started walking to the lunch room.

     She hadn't slept because of Ara and Jimin. She tossed and turned last night until it was time to get up.

     "I was worried for her." she said as they took the trays filled with food.

     Eun nodded, "I know, we'll figure something out."

     Both had gotten their food so they walked to their usual spot. Hyuk followed them after a few minutes and sat down. Their table was empty.

"I got an A on my English test!" Hyuk exclaimed as he slid the evaluation paper on the table.

Both girls cheered for him. He was good in English, which was weird because he could've tutored Jungkook. Sadly, it had to be her instead of him. But, she preferred to go through hell just so her best friends would be okay.

Suddenly, the chair beside Nari was pulled away. She looked to the owner of the noise and saw Jungkook with yet another smirk on his face.

"Hello, gorgeous." he said as he sat down and placed his arm around her shoulder.

   She put on her most fake smile that she could ever master

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She put on her most fake smile that she could ever master. Sure, bangtan and her friends knew that it was all an act but the whole school thought the opposite.

His tray had been placed on the table and so had been the other six of his friends.

She'd have to get used to that.

"Guess what," he whispered to her on her ear sending shivers down her spine, "B+ on the first English exam, and it's all thanks to you."

He kissed her cheek and she blushed. His lips could send her into a fit of butterflies all over her body.

The paper had a giant B scribbled on top. She smiled at him.

"It's also because of you." she said truthfully.

He had proved her wrong during these few weeks. Jungkook had actually tried his best and payed attention to every single detail Nari had explained, at least that's what she noticed.

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