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        The boy held on to his girlfriend as they walked downstairs. Every step hurt him even more. He began letting out grunts as they walked.

     "I know it hurts babe." Nari said to him as she led him to the couch, where everyone was sitting there expecting their next move.

    He sat down in an instant.

    Letting out a sigh, he patted the empty space next to him so that she could sit there. She did.

     After a long silence, Mel spoke.

     "I'm glad you are all okay. We heard the gunshots and thought that–" she couldn't finish as her tears started flowing down her eyes.

    Jin rapidly hugged her from the side as she cried to him, "We're here." he mumbled as he kissed her forehead.

    She hugged him back from the floor, where the rest sat down.

    Jungkook took this moment to eye everyone around him. Sure, they were all sad but none of them were hurt. They were all safe and sound. He is the only one hurt.

"Nari." Namjoon began as he passed his hand through his face in frustration.

The girl beside him sighed, "I know what you are going to say, I shouldn't have left like that–"

Namjoon didn't let her speak, he stood up from his chair and went to her. Without any words being said, he hugged her tightly.

The girl stood up and hugged him back, "W-what?"

He hugged her tighter, "Thank you." he mumbled.

The atmosphere changed drastically. Namjoon's voice had cracked and everyone was silent.

"Thank you for helping us." he told her as he separated from the hug.

"I–" she was shocked, and so was everyone.

Ara rapidly stood up from her spot in the floor, next to Jimin and hugged her sister, "You left like that, it scared me." she let out.

Nari nodded, "I know, sorry Ara." she said.

Meanwhile, her parents walked to the kitchen and stayed there while the teens talked. Jungkook saw them and Jay had his hands in the air while his wife appeared so conflicted.

They were fighting.

"What do we do now?" Hoseok asked as Yoongi sighed.

Namjoon soothed Hye's hair as he played with it, "We stay low, bangtan stays on the down low."

Jungkook remembered what he had promised himself that night, the night he spoke with Yugyeom. He had to do this now, everything was over. This was his chance, his only chance.

"What if we stop with all of this?" he asked.

Everyone looked at him weirdly, not knowing what to respond. Jungkook sighed before responding, "What if we end with this life and just live a normal one," he began, "this is our only chance to end with bangtan."

"Are you suggesting to quit?" Namjoon asked him.

Jungkook nodded.

"I think you kids should listen to him." Jay emerged from the kitchen with his wife.

"You really think we should do it?" Yoongi asked him.

Jay nodded, "You kids have a chance to have a better life. I didn't have this chance so if I were you," he paused, "I'd take it."

"Leave everything bad behind and just start a new path of life." Jungkook added.

"Kook, I don't know if we should. Bangtan is my only source of income, since I, well, you know," Namjoon sighed, "if I leave, if we leave then it's all over."

"I can get you a job with my parents, we can work something out Joon." Jungkook responded, reassuring him.

After a long silence and wandering looks, Namjoon responded, "Alright."

    "R-really?" Jungkook asked.

     Namjoon nodded, "Jay's right, this is our only chance to start over so yes."

    "So we're quitting?" Jimin asked, passing his hand through his hair.

     "I'm quitting, I don't know about you guys." Namjoon responded.

    "Me too." Jungkook joined him.

     All of a sudden all of them nodded.

    They were all quitting. It was officially over, this double life was over in an instant.


   Standing all in a circle, they all began to toss all their things in the fire. Their guns, their ammunition, everything was burning. They watched as the fire consumed everything piece by piece. Their eyes watched how every orange flame, slowly, burned everything that was being thrown to it, disintegrating it.

   Relief. They finally felt relieved that they did not have to hide anymore. They could live a normal life, be teenagers for once.

    They were all free.


  Hello! I finally uploaded the chapter. This was a hard one to write, since I wanted to capture the correct emotions that they felt.

   I couldn't upload last week because I was sick and drowsy with all the medicines. Now I feel better and with so much more inspiration for the next chapters! 💜 (I don't have writers block anymore so yeah.)

And yes, they aren't a gang anymore. This means that we are getting closer to the ending of the first book! Yes, you read correctly: first book. That's because I have a huge announcement to make:


   yeah! A sequel is coming and it already has a title plus a cover so there will be two new covers soon, one for the first and second book it'll be a surprise 👀

  Thank you for 1K votes and comments plus 31K reads! You are all amazing, I love you! Thank you for your love and support as always 💜

  Please keep voting and commenting. I would love to read what you guys think of how the story is going! Love you 💜

    Have a great day/night. ily



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