42 (pt.1)

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  FORTY-TWO (part 1)

     It had now become the next day. The day of saving Nari's family had arrived. Everyone had slept peacefully. They had taken a well deserved rest.

Everyone except Jungkook and Nari.

The boy had kept tossing and turning on the bed and hadn't closed his eyes at all. Nari tried to get him to sleep some, but he could tell that she also couldn't sleep.

"So you didn't sleep at all?" Yoongi asked him when he had appeared at the lobby for breakfast. They were the first ones to arrive for breakfast.

Nari told him to go eat breakfast, that she will stay in the room for a while.

Jungkook shook his head as he chugged down a cup of coffee. He didn't like the bitter taste that went along with it, but it helped him wake up a bit.

"Nari didn't sleep too, we both stayed awake the whole night." he told Yoongi who now had his mouth full of pancakes.

Yoongi nodded.

"I couldn't sleep too." the mint haired boy said as he patted Jungkook's back.

As everyone began joining them at the lobby, Jungkook began to grow more worried when he didn't see Nari anywhere.

He looked at Hye and asked, "Where's Nari?"

Hye looked around, "She's outside, I think," she continued her search and Jungkook found Nari that was now sitting on a bench outside, "oh, there."

He nodded before jogging outside and sitting beside her.

"I thought you were in our room." he told her.

Nari looked at him and smiled, "Yeah, I just wanted to take some fresh air."

They sat there in silence. Silenced like this one we're comfortable for them.

"I kept seeing them." she mumbled.

Jungkook turned to her.

"Who?" he placed an arm around her shoulder.

"My parents, Ara–" her voice wavered, "I kept imagining them all tied up whenever I closed my eyes."

"Babe–" he hugged her and placed a soft, tender kiss on her hair.

Her small hands embraced his waist and she let out a sigh.

"I tried to stop those images from appearing, but I couldn't." she admitted.

The girl wasn't crying, no tear had left her eyes.

Jungkook took her face in his hands and kissed her gently. His lips graced hers and he could feel his heart beating rapidly for the billionth time.

"Everything will be okay." he promised, but something told him to keep that promise to himself.

He felt that, somehow, the promise could be broken in seconds. Those seconds could change everything in their lives forever. There was nothing he could do to stop the feeling from surfacing his mind.

I'm sorry, Nari.


Namjoon had stopped the van abruptly as Taehyung ordered him to stop. They had found the location.

"Here!" Taehyung said as he tapped Namjoon's shoulder.

In an instant, they had stepped out of the van. Nari had held Jungkook's hand rapidly as they walked to the doors.

"Remember, let's stay together at all times." Namjoon ordered as he placed his mask.

The others followed his lead. Placing their black masks, they kicked the doors open.

    Nari grasped the gun to her hands. Her knuckles where turning white. Jungkook noticed her as she began trembling.

    The apartment complex was deserted. No one was there. Zik somehow loved abandoned places.

    "What should we do?" Hyuk asked as they stood there.

   No one knew what to do.

   There was something unusual about this.

    "The tracker had shown the third floor," Namjoon responded, "we should go there, all of us."

   "Then what about them?" Jin asked as he motioned to Yugyeom's men.

    "They stay down here, guarding us." he continued.

    Everyone nodded.

    "Let's go." he ordered.

     His heart began beating faster as they stepped up to the elevator. What they were about to do was dangerous; they were risking their lives.

    He was risking his life.

    But, he would do anything for her. He would do anything for the love of his life.

   Anything. Even if it meant risking his life for her family's life.


hello 💕

How are you guys?

I'm sorry if this chapter was very short, but the next chapter will be longer.

This is part one, there will be two parts.

Thank you guys for 13k reads! I'm so thankful for each and every single one of you. You guys make my day with your comments and thoughts on this story and its characters.

Love you guys soooooo much 💜

See you next Friday with part two of this chapter!


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