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The weekend had begun. The last week had been hectic. She'd been running around looking for a job but no one was hiring.

Today Jungkook had told her to come to his house for tutoring. During this past week, they had become more acquainted. The boy was still distant with her, but they talked whenever they needed to.

"Are you leaving?" Ara asked as she had her eyes on the tv.

Nari had her purse on her shoulder and was about to open the door, "Yeah, I have to tutor someone."

"Oh," she turned to her, she had a smirk on her face, "Jungkook." she sang as she raised her arms.

"Shut up." Nari told her, her cheeks red as she adjusted her purse, "Take care, I'll be back." she stepped outside and closed the door.

It was about to be late. The night was illuminated by the countless stars that shined so effortlessly. She had questioned why Jungkook had called her last night. It was unusual for him to call her on a Saturday, more specifically, it was unusual if him to call her at all.

Sure, they had spoken only one time, by accident but it was still unusual for her.

A few minutes had passed and she had finally arrived to Jungkook's house. His parents were on a business trip so he had told her that they'd be alone. Even though she didn't want to be alone with him, especially after what happened last time, she had to do it for her extra credit.

Extra credit.

It's just for extra credit, she said to herself as she stood on the front door.

The door swung open, revealing Jungkook in a black shirt with jeans. Behind him were the boys, they were sorting out drinks on the table.

"Come in." he said as he let her inside.

The girl saw them carrying what looked like booze. Why would there be booze if they are just tutoring?

"Um..." she was still standing by the door.

What are they doing?

Jungkook looked at her book bag that was dangling from her shoulder. He stood in front of her and put his hand in her shoulder.

"We aren't tutoring, actually." he said as he slid off the strap, he touched a little of her skin making her turn red.

She heard him chuckle.

"You are going to your first high school party, whether you like it or not." he said as he passed the backpack to Jin who ran upstairs with it.

The girl narrowed her eyes, there is no way that she was going to a party. Especially after what happened...

Nari nervously chuckled, "And this is where I leave," she turned around, "see you around." her hand was opening the door but a loud bang beside her and the door closing startled her.

She knew who it was. The way her body reacted automatically, gave away who it was.

"This is where you stay." Jungkook said to her. She felt him lean closer to her, her breath hitched. His chest was touching her back. He was radiating heat to her body just by leaning closer to her.

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