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Another day, another party thrown by bangtan. The party had been going for several hours, but Nari wasn't getting drunk today. She was not a party person but she was now part of them. Wherever they went she was there.

This time Eun and Hyuk had been invited so she hung out with them by her side. Jungkook held her hand as they talked with her two friends.

     Two days have passed since Jungkook snuck into her window and now, it was a habit. Every night they'd kiss as many times as they wanted because it was just them and no one else.

Things were now different between both of them. They didn't act as a couple, they haven't made it official. He loved her and she loved him.

But they still said that they weren't together, yet.

     "Do you want to dance, Nari?" Eun asked her as she tried to have fun above all.

     Nari shrugged, "Sure."

     Jungkook let go of her hand and she walked with her best friend, Eun.

    Both girls danced crazily. They weren't professional dancers but it didn't matter. Everyone was so intoxicated that they wouldn't care at all.

    "You know that I haven't forgotten about Hyuk and Jin, right?" she told her friend.

    Eun sighed as she continued dancing but was growing tired, Nari noticed, "I know. Trust me, when he's ready he'll tell you."

Nari nodded and rapidly felt a hand on her waist, "Mind if I take her for a few minutes?"

Yoongi's voice startled Nari. His hand was placed lightly on her waist. It was as if he was afraid that she might break.

Eun shook her head, "No, go ahead."

The boy nodded before taking her hand and dragging her to another space on the dance floor.

"What's wrong?" she asked as she put her hands on his shoulders.

Yoongi chuckled, "Nothing, can't two friends dance together?"

The girl smiled as they danced to a rather slow song.

As much as Hyuk told her that he'd tell her what happened, she grew impatient.

"Were you guys and Hyuk friends?" she mumbled.

Yoongi averted his gaze from her, "It's not my place to tell you. Hyuk should," he gulped, "when he's ready."

Nari sighed as both teens continued dancing in silence.

Suddenly a loud siren was heard from outside.

The police.

    "Great, just great!" Yoongi shouted as he began to run away.

The girl stood there in shock but as she saw everyone running she began running away too. This is why she doesn't like parties. Her heart thumped on her chest, she felt as if it was about to explode.

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