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The sun illuminated the living room. The beautiful bright light startled her. Just as Nari opened her eyes she felt Jungkook's hand on her waist. She had slept peacefully and even heard clearly what he had said to her last night.

She closed her eyes once more and waited a few minutes. She was extremely tired.

    "Wake up, we'll be late for school!" she heard Jimin shout as he shook both of their shoulders.

    Nari opened her eyes and rose her hand up rapidly. As she did she felt a tiny waist.

     "Aish!" Jungkook screamed as he hit the floor with a loud 'thud'.

Oh my–

She sat up as fast as she could and ran to his side.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean–oh my gosh, I'm sorry!" she kept repeating.

She had pushed him out of the couch. Her hand had squished his wound in the process.

The boy was with his eyes closed, his face showed pain.

"I'm sorry, I'm–"

"It's okay," his hand was over his abdomen, where he was stabbed, "I thought I was sleeping in my couch, so it's my fault." he left her speechless as he went to the bathroom.

    Okay then...

    "Did you guys–?" Jimin asked with a smirk on his face.

Nari scoffed, "No, no way."

    "Then why were you both sleeping on the same couch?" he kept pushing on.

     Nari held in with all her might the thought of punching him.

     "Just please take me home so I could wash up for school." she replied as she gritted her teeth.

     He got on her nerves easily.

     She had noticed that he had his sleep wear on still.

    "Let's go." he took his phone and keys with him before opening the door.

The others were still sleeping, the others except Jungkook who disappeared upstairs.

Nari hated her morning breath. She'd have to wait until she got home to prepare.

    Both teens walked outside. She saw Jimin get closer to a black Harley Davidson parked at the front of the luxurious house.

     The boy stopped and took out two helmets.

     "Oh no, I'm–shouldn't I wait until you wash up so we can leave?" she asked nervously.

     Motorcycles weren't her thing.

    Jimin chuckled, "I just washed up, we're staying with Seokjin and Jungkook to take care of him so we're not changing my clothes."

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