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Ever since their meeting at their local coffee shop, Jungkook had promised to himself that he'd get to the bottom of Namjoon and Yun's little secret. He had to find out what they were thinking of. But he somehow felt that uneasy feeling once more.

He wasn't grounded anymore, thankfully. His mother had forgiven him after a week. Once she had told him that last week, the first thing he did was visit Nari and he spent the whole day with her.

"Where are you going?" His sister asked him as he ran down the stairs with a slight smile on his features.

He sighed, "Why do I have to tell you, little sis?" He asked.

"Because we want to know why you are going out so much." the voice of his mother startled him.

Behind her petite figure was his father, his parents had a weird relationship. Sure, they were still married but you could clearly see that there was no love between them anymore. Their relationship was still going on solely for their children, that's what he had heard his father tell his mother one night when he was 15.

Jungkook gulped, "I thought you were still on a business trip." He told his father who held a scowl on his face.

"It got cancelled because of the bad weather in the States." he answered as he sipped his cup of coffee calmly.

"Now tell us honey," his mother smiled at him, "Why are you going out so much and most importantly, where?" she placed her hands on his shoulder.

Jungkook looked at his sister with a scowl on his features, she shrugged before mouthing 'I'm sorry'. He sighed, it wasn't her fault that their parents wanted to know about their son's whereabouts.

"I'm just going to Namjoon's house, that's all." he responded as he walked with his parents to their living room.

His father scoffed, "Then tell me," he fished something out of his pockets, his phone, "who is she?" he motioned to his phone as he showed him a picture of Nari and him on the mall.

Oh no. This can't be happening.

His father always questioned about his friends. He always encouraged his to hang out with people of his 'kind'. As if being rich was something out of this world. Sure, he was rich but in his house, aside from all the beautiful and expensive objects that hanged around the mansion, there was not an inch of happiness and comfort. The only person that he was happy with was with his sister and sometimes his mother. Whenever he came to his house, he could sense the escalating tension that his parents shared.

"She's," What is he going to say? His friend? His girlfriend? Or just some other girl? "my, um– my girlfriend." he let out.

No, he wasn't ashamed of Nari; he would never be. He would never forgive himself if he denied their beautiful relationship.

"Excuse me?" his mother asked as she opened her eyes widely.

His father chuckled.

"What? What's wrong?" He asked his parents.

His mother took the phone out of his father's hands, "She looks," her eyebrows furrowed, "ordinary."

Jungkook's hands formed into fists on his lap, "What do you mean by that?"

"You know what we mean." She replied.

Jungkook looked at his sister and she just sighed before responding, "She looks okay, I don't know what you mean by ordinary."

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