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    "The reason for this meeting is to decide who will deliver this to one of our clients," Namjoon announced as he motioned to a box that stood in his living room, "the delivery is close to this area so it'll be quick."

"I hope so," Hoseok said as he almost fell asleep on the couch, "I haven't slept since last night."

"Because you were playing games?" Jimin asked him playfully.

"No," he shook his head in denial, "I was dancing in the studio all night." he admitted.

   Yes, Hoseok has always loved dancing but he's getting more into it now. He had told Jungkook that he'd love to dance with him sometime, since Jungkook had danced several times when he was little. Jungkook had stopped dancing when the whole deal of bangtan came about. It was just too much for him at that age.

   "That explains it." Yoongi mumbled.

    "Anyways," Namjoon chuckled, "this is a very simple delivery so anyone can go, the others stay here monitoring."

   "I can go!" Taehyung exclaimed as he rose his hand while waving it enthusiastically.

   Namjoon nodded, "Alright, cool, now," he drank from his cup slowly, "who else wants to go?"

   "Can Jungkook come with me?" Taehyung asked as he looked at the boy, waiting for his answer.

  Their leader nodded, "If he wants to, then yeah."

  "Why do you want me to come with you?" he asked as Nari placed her head on his shoulder.

  Taehyung smiled, "Because I miss hanging out with you, that's all."

   Jungkook became a softie whenever Taehyung did that. He considered Tae like his big brother who had a mind of a little kid, in a good way.

   And that is how he got tangled into another game. That game could end his life, or even worse; put Nari in danger once more.


  "Which car was it again?" Jungkook asked, gripping the box as they waited at the alleyway.

Taehyung looked around expectantly, "A black SUV."

Jungkook nodded.

"Everything feels different now." Taehyung sighed.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

"I mean," he started, "before, we used to just focus on our 'job', but now we just focus on ourselves; on our happiness."

"Are you talking about Eun or?" Jungkook asked.

"Of course, and of us as well," he smiled, "all of us have gotten closer and now we feel even more like a family."

"We do, huh." he reasoned before patting his hyung on the back.

Taehyung chuckled before continuing looking around with a smile on his face. They had their masks on but the boy could still see Taehyung's eyes close. It signaled that he was smiling.

"Oh, they're here." Taehyung said as the black SUV parked in the alleyway.

Once it stopped, the door opened but no one came out of it. Instead, a crumbled white paper was thrown at them. Also, something unexpected to both had happened. They saw a glimpse of Zik in the car before it zoomed off.

"Jungkook, no!" He heard Jimin shout from the ear piece.

But he didn't care for what he was going to do next.

It is now or never.

Jungkook sprinted behind the car in rage. He kept running and running, almost thinking that he'd colapse once it was over.

He was so focused that he didn't feel Taehyung tug him back.

"Stop, we might get caught!" Taehyung exclaimed as he pulled Jungkook to that same alleyway.

Jungkook scoffed, "If we don't get him, things will get even worse!"

"They already have." He heard Taehyung say, without any enthusiasm before he gave him the crumbled paper.

Jungkook opened it slowly before he saw those red letters that stirred fear inside of his being.

It isn't over. It is time for revenge.



so yeah...it's about to really go down.

Thank you for waiting guys, it means a lot to me ❤️

I hope you guys have a great day/week/night, love you all very much 💕

See you next week!


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