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    Three weeks had passed from the kiss. Three weeks of her avoiding him outside of school, except for tutoring. Three weeks of the boys throwing glares at Zik from the hallways.

     Three weeks.

After the kiss, Jimin had brought her and her sister home. Her mind was in a whirlwind of emotions.

She still had mixed emotions.

      The boys had given her the first paycheck. It had surprised her mother when she gave her the money. Thankfully, it had given them the reassurance that the money could cover all their expenses. It gave them the peace they needed. Everything was going to be alright.

"Yun Nari!" Mr. Hanz exclaimed getting her out of the trance she was in.

      "Yes?" she asked.

      "Could you please read page 64." he motioned to her.

As she read the three paragraphs she could feel Jungkook staring. He had made this a habit by now. Whenever they had classes together, he would stare for the whole hour. He was doing this to make her nervous, Nari thought.

It worked.

     In the course of three minutes that she spent reading those paragraphs, she had stuttered more than fifteen times. She was putty in his hands.

      "Good!" Mr. Hanz exclaimed.

      Had he forgotten the fact that she had stuttered because of that brown haired boy?

The class kept on and on. The sound of the clock ticking drove her insane. She just wanted for lunchtime to arrive.

Food, food, food! Her mind screamed.

Just when the bell rung, the girl didn't think twice before jogging to the door. She went to her locker and stuffed all her books inside. She had left Eun and Hyuk behind.

Her feet stomped as she returned to the classroom. She stood beside the door as she waited for her friends.

     A vibration was felt on her blouse. Her phone was receiving a message.

     Please, not that person again.

Luckily, the unknown number had left her alone. That doesn't mean that she still feared if they contacted her again.

     From: Unknown
       You look even better with the school uniform.

    Her head raised quickly in fear. Whoever was contacting her was in the school. They were watching her.

     To: Unknown
      Who are you?

   She waited a few minutes, trying to catch her breath. After she waited, they replied back.

    From: Unknown
      That's none of your business.

   From: Unknown
      You have to do what I tell you to do.

    Her hands gripped the phone with so much force that her knuckles turned white. Her heart was beating crazily.

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