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  Everything was happening so fast. Just yesterday he had made a deal with Zik and now here he is, waiting. Last night, he had decided to spend the night with his girlfriend. He held her close to him as if this was the last time they'd be together. They talked about everything before sleep took over them.

Here he is waiting for what Zik might have in store for him. He wondered if he was going to be tricked or even worse; killed.

He looked at his surroundings, the river looked really beautiful. He'd definitely like to bring Nari here when everything is over. The water was a shade of dark blue and the flowers adorned the edges. It was straight out of a movie.

"I see a car coming, remember to stay calm." Taehyung said through the intercom, his voice startled Jungkook.

Jungkook nodded subconsciously.

The black SUV stopped just a few feet from him. He could see Zik at the front seat. The boy got out of the car and opened the trunk.

"Come on." Zik said as he pulled the people out of the car. Nari's parents were frightened, even Jay.

He pushed them until they stood in front of Jungkook.

"Okay, now you come with me." Zik said to Jungkook who just motioned to him.

   "He isn't going with you." Nari's voice was heard.

    Zik chuckled before looking behind Jungkook.

    "Woah, babe," he wandered his eyes all over her body, making Jungkook turn his hands into fists, "you look sexier when your mad." he smirked.

    Jungkook growled before pulling the gun out of his strap, "Shut up."

    "Lover boy is mad, you guys are cute." Zik responded.

    Just as he said that, Namjoon walked over beside Jungkook.

   "Let's just get this over with." Namjoon pointed the gun to Zik.

    Zik laughed, "You broke our promise," he stopped before his men began appearing out of the trees shooting their guns, "but so did I."

    "Get them to the car, and get them out of here!" Namjoon said to the girls and Jimin who began running to their van.

    It all happened very fast and unexpectedly. They drove out and a gun shot was heard.

   Everyone was okay, everyone except; Nari. Her body was on the grass as she held on to her waist.

    "No!" Jungkook shouted as Nari sobbed due to the pain she was in.

    The love of his life had just been shot by the man he hated.

    He kneeled beside her bleeding body and was crying loudly, "I'm sorry, I wasn't there to protect you." he sobbed.

   "Aw, young love," Zik cooed, "you should've not brought her into your mess, this is what you get."

   "I hate you!" Jungkook shouted.

   "What else is new? I hated you ever since you left us! It's sad that she had to pay for what you all did." Zik retorted.

    "You son of a–" Hoseok began speaking but was cut off.

   Another gun shot was heard but he couldn't care less. His girlfriend was losing blood, he had to get her out of here fast.

    "I called Jimin, he's on his way. Wait at the entrance." Jungkook heard Yoongi's voice through the ear piece.

    After that, he got up and held her to his chest. He ran and ran like his life depended on it. Well, it really was because her life depended on it. If they took too long to heal her, then she might die. If she dies, he doesn't know how he'll deal with his life without her.

    As he ran to their destination, he began remembering all those special moments with her.

  Her skin was soft and her lips were formed into a cute pout. He couldn't ask for more. As he watched her sleep, he could hear her snores escaping her pink lips.

   How could this beautiful girl sleeping next to him still be cute while sleeping?

   Suddenly, she had stopped snoring. Jungkook looked away from her and pretended to sleep.

    "I knew you were staring." she mumbled.

    "I was not." He joked as he placed a kiss on her hair.

    The girl just smiled at him before kissing his lips, "I love you."

    "I love you." he responded to her.

  When he saw the car he sighed in relief. He rapidly ran to the trunk and stepped inside with Nari in his arms.

   There, in that van, stood her family. Instantly, the tears began to shed. Her parents cried as they saw her. She was still awake but merely conscious of what was happening. Her sister hugged her tightly while sobbing. The girls both cried too, but instantly began trying to lessen the loss of blood.

    "I tried protecting her." Jungkook let out as he began to cry as well.

    He felt strong hands encircle him.

    "It's okay, kid," after all these years he had heard Jay again, he hugged the man tightly, "she will be okay."

   my baby will be okay.


I cried while writing this, no joke.

I'm sorry for updating late. I had a bunch of work to do, so yeah.

So next chapter is where other questions might be answered, like:

Who was the one who also got shot?

Why did Jay get taken by Zik? How?

And most importantly, will Nari be strong and overcome this?

Oh and thank you for 900+ votes and 14K!!!! Ily all sooooo much!

Thank you for your love and support. You guys are amazing ❤️

I hope you have a nice week/day! Ily!


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