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      The keys danced on her hand as she struggled to open the door. Eun had bought her too many clothes.

    The tv was turned on with Ara sitting on the couch staring into the distance. Their mother was cooking food so she was oblivious to Ara's inner struggle. Nari noticed, her little sister's feet were jumping up and down.

      "Ara," she tapped her shoulder, "let's go to my room, I need your help with something." they both walked up the stairs with Nari still struggling with her bags. Ara took some and helped her up.

     Setting the bags on the floor, both girls sat on the bed. Nari waited expectingly for the right moment to start the talk. She'd never done this before, but for the safety of her little sister she'd do anything.

    "When did you start liking him?" she asked Ara.

    She saw her little sister blush, looking at the floor, "He ran into our classroom by accident and I saw him."

   By accident?

   On the other building?

   Don't think so.

   "Are you sure it was by accident?" she asked her.

   Ara nodded, "He told the teacher that he was late for class so her ran into the building by accident." she explained.

Nari nodded, it seemed fishy but she might as well just let this one slide.

"You need to be careful with him, he isn't who you think he is." she added. She couldn't tell the truth to her sister but she'd still look out for her.

Ara shrugged, "I don't see anything wrong with him."

"I'm just looking out for you, being with him could affect yor future." she told her sister.

     Ara raised her eyebrows, "Oh, and being with Jungkook doesn't do that too?" she exclaimed.

     Does she know?

    "How did you–"

    "News travels fast in the prep." she told her as she stood up.

     "Let me explain, Ara." she tried reasoning.

      "No. I like him, and I'm going to get him to like me back whether you like it or not." her little sister stopped walking and turned around.

    "I can take care of myself." the door to her room closed roughly and Nari sighed.

     She needed to protect her. She must protect her.


   "Nari, your friends are here to pick you up." Her mother shouted from downstairs and she ran to the door before she could see who it was.

     Ara hadn't talked to her in the rest of the day. Today was Monday, all she got out of Ara were glares.

    Her little sister was on the couch but when Nari arrived downstairs the door opened. She had told Jungkook last night to wait inside the car but no, they just had to come inside.

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