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Blood was spilled all over the floor. Jungkook shifted his vision to his friends who had now changed back into who they really were. Sure, they will always be his friends to him but now they were doing their job.

   And all they could think about was getting out alive.

   The blood wasn't from them. That blood was from Zik's men who had little experience what-so-ever in fighting. They had been wounded or killed by the several gunshots.

   Just as Jungkook was aiming for the enemy, he heard someone call out his name in despair.

"Jungkook!" Namjoon shouted.

He turned to the voice of his friend and saw that he had pointed to Zik, who was now running away.

He sprinted behind Zik and clutched the gun in his hands.

Reaching towards the running teen, he had screamed, "You aren't getting away this time!"

His hand grasped the jacket that he wore and turned Zik around. He was smirking.

"You son of a–"

"Jungkook, stop." Zik told him.

The boy had grasped Zik by the collar of his jacket and held him by it. Zik was on the floor behind the factory while Jungkook was standing up, still with his hold on his jacket.

Jungkook shook his head and wiped the blood off his face, "Stop what?"

"Stop trying to be the hero for once." his voice was harsh.

"I'm trying to do the right thing," he pointed the gun to his head, "which is killing you for all that you've done."

Zik spat his blood to the side, "This won't make me forget what you did to me." he let out.

"I never meant to do that, you know it was an accident." he told him.

"An accident? Was it really an accident that you set my team up for an imminent death," he shouted as he grasped his wrists, "huh?"

"You know well that if you went with us to that mission then your life would've been at risk, but you still went even if we told you to stay." Jungkook told him.

"I wanted to help you, but you left my team and I there to die," Zik shouted once more before pushing him, his gun fell out of his hands "all of you left us!" he punched Jungkook.

In between punches, Jungkook had remembered that exact mission. That was before he was in Bangtan.

None of the boys knew what had exactly happened between Jungkook and Zik, but it wasn't pretty.

As they continued fighting, a car had pulled up. Both teens had stopped fighting as they glanced at the car.

The engine stopped.

"You can take Mel with you, leave safely this place but I will still be looking for you," Zik spat, "until I see you suffering just like I did, because of you."

Zik stood up and left Jungkook there.

"I'm not afraid of you, but I will tell you something," Jungkook said, "leave them out of this!" he exclaimed with anger in his voice.

Zik wobbled to the car, "We'll see about that."

Before Jungkook could even blink, Zik had escaped.

He escaped once again.

This time, Jungkook was afraid of what would happen next.


"Drink something." she held the cup to him.

His hands took the cup and lifted it to his lips.

He was thirsty, all the fighting made him tired.

He glanced at Nari and looked at all her features. Her smile had left her face and a frown now replaced it. Her dark eyes glistened in the light and her hair cascaded around her shoulders. She was so beautiful

"I love you." he mumbled to Nari who had begun to play with his hair on her lap.

She smiled, "I love you, too."

"He ran away again, right?" she asked him.

Jungkook just nodded.

"But–" should he tell her what he said?

"But what?" She asked him.

His eyes turned up to her, "He doesn't give up that easily."

No he does not.

Jungkook knee that better than anyone.

"Neither do we." she responded.

That's right. Bangtan never gives up, never.

A knock on the door startled both lovers.

"Who is it?" Nari asked.

The voice behind the door cleared his throat.

"It's me," Hyuk said, "Mel is ready to tell us what really happened, we're at Namjoon and Hye's room if you want to come."

Both of them looked at each other before nodding.

"We'll be there." Jungkook said before taking Nari's hand in his.


Hello!!! I'm sorry for not posting on Friday. It's the first time that this happened. I had a stressful day yesterday with some projects and other stuff, I hope you guys understand.

I feel as if this is the shortest chapter in this book up to date. I'm sorry guys.

Thank you for your love and patience. This time I'll see you next Friday!

Ily all so much. ❤️


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