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Her head was on the arm rest of the couch. Nari had just gotten home from school. Inside her mind she kept remembering the plan.

Sure, she had gotten a job that would pay well. Sure, she'd finally help her mother financially; but her job wasn't right at all.

The boys had explained to her that she'd be their 'secretary'. Secretary as in helping organize the packages and when they needed her help in their missions, she'd assist.

Tonight's mission was absurd, at least to her. It had to do with the one person she'd never want to see again: Yong Zik.

     Yes, that pervert.

      They'd go to the club with her. She'd act as their companion. When Zik arrived she'd go find him  getting him out of the club and to the alley. Around that time, the boys would put on their masks and appear out of nowhere.

     They'd tell her to leave, acting as if they didn't know her. Meanwhile, she'd be running to Namjoon's house to wait for them. Turns out that he lived two blocks down from her house.

    The more you know.

    The same plan kept running through her mind. Doubts had encircled her mind too. What if this doesn't work? What if someone gets hurt? What if-

      "And you are not listening." her mother responded.

Nari turned to her mother, "What?"

"I stand corrected." she replied.

"I'm sorry, mom." Nari answered as she still rested her head on the arm rest.

"It's okay, I'm already used to it," her mother turned to Ara who was playing with her phone, "Ara–"

The teenage girl was smiling as she touched random buttons on her phone. She's probably texting Sana about Jimin. Ara was unbothered.

"See, it always happens." her mother sighed.

Nari chuckled, "I'm just nervous." she had stood up and was standing besides her mother in the kitchen.

"Nervous for what?" she asked her daughter.

      She had to tell her eventually.

      "I got a job and tonight it's my first shift." she admitted.

      Her mother's eyes widened. Nari thought she'd get scolded.

      She was completely right.

"A job? Without my permission?" she put her hands on her waist.

"Mom I just want to hel-"

"You know what I've told you every time you said that." she retorted.

"It's at a night-time family restaurant and they pay well, at least let me have this job for once." she pleaded.

Pure lies were running out of her mouth.

She felt bad.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she contemplated, "I'll let you, but if it begins interfering with your education, it is done." she pointed at her.

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