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     He had begun to open his eyes slowly as he held on to Nari. They had both fallen asleep after having a long conversation. There, he told her everything that had happened that morning. Let's just say that he wasn't too happy with going back home.

He raised his head up looking for the clock.

'4:03PM' the red letters blinked rapidly, displaying the hour.

He sighed. No, he did not regret defending his girlfriend in front of his parents. He just felt like the way he said it was too much.

Mina had texted him a few times but he decided to just tell her that he was at Nari's; that he'd come home in the morning.

Jungkook tried to get out of the bed but Nari held him even closer.

"Babe." he whispered into her hair, placing a small kiss.

She mumbled a few words that he did not understand. He still found her cute. He always found her cute.

He smiled at her before patting her shoulder lightly, "I have to pee."

Nari whined, "No," she exclaimed as she held him to her.

"Yes," He laughed as he saw her raise her head up with a scowl on her face. Her tousled hair and puffy cheeks made him almost let out a giggle, "cute."

She let him go and went back to her much needed rest.

The boy stood up and stretched as he walked to Nari's bathroom silently. He looked at himself in the mirror and began splashing water to his face.

The coldness of the water relaxed him. He liked the cold.

Once he was done, his hands found the sink and gripped it.

He couldn't believe that he had let her see him in his weakest point. Sure, she was his girlfriend and that is what a relationship consisted of; leaning on each other in your darkest moments but he wasn't used to being in a serious relationship. Jungkook somehow felt relieved that he could tell her anything, anything and she would understand.

Hands found his waist and he felt a head rest in his back. He looked at himself again in the mirror and saw tears running out of his eyes; he was crying.

"I don't like seeing you cry."
Nari said to him as her soft lips touched his neck.

That reminded him of the time he said that to her, it reminded him of the way her face had relaxed when he had told her that. It reminded him of the way her pupils dilated and her lips stopped quivering once those words had gotten out of his lips. Now, it was her telling him that.

   Oh the irony.

   He laughed, "I'm supposed to be telling you that," he turned around and placed his arms around her back and hugged her to him, "I'm supposed to be strong, for you." he closed his eyes as he tried to calm himself down.

    He was supposed to be the one that gave her strength; instead he was crying. He was being weak.

     "No, hey," she looked up to his face and enclosed it with her hands on his cheeks, "crying makes us human, it's okay to cry once in a while." she said to him as she kissed his jawline making him sigh.

   "My dad, he–um," Jungkook looked to the ceiling, as if he could find something there, "he used to tell me that crying was for the weak; that a man wasn't supposed to cry."

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