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School had ended for the day. This was basically a relief for Nari since for her, the day had gone good but also bad. Just like herself, her day had also been full of mixed feelings.

Her mother had asked her to stay this afternoon with her because no one could take care of them. The two girls were with their mother inside the middle school building. Nari had just finished her homework while Ara had none so she was typing away on her phone.
Her mother was grading some papers.

Nari's stomach started growling, she tried stopping it with the touch of her hand but the sound became louder.

"Go get something to eat, there's a food machine in the high school building." her mother told her as she chuckled.

She smiled and got up quickly, "Do you guys want anything?" she asked as she took the money from her book bag.

Ara looked up from her phone, "Chips." she replied before continuing to scroll away.

Nari chuckled before looking at their mother, "Mom, do you want anything?"

Her mother shook her head in disagreement.

Nari set off to find the food machine which she had not seen throughout the whole day. Again she roamed around the halls but no food machine could be found. She looked everywhere.

The girl was roaming around the main entrance hall of the school when she heard a loud sound coming from outside.

She should've just gone away, minding her own business but she didn't.

Her hands pushed the door opened and she found a group of huddled teens around another teen.

More specifically, she found seven teens around one trembling teen.

"What did you say?" the oldest of the group, Seokjin, shouted at the boy's face.

The small boy mumbled, "Nothing."

Yoongi growled, "No, you said something and we heard it."

She couldn't watch this anymore. She tried to hold in her anger but it just came back.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" she shouted as she ran to the boy's side.

The seven boys looked unfazed as they let the boy go.

"Just go." Namjoon said as he pushed the boy away.

The boy ran with small tears on his eyes and he wouldn't even dare to look at Nari or the boys.

They all turned to see a fuming Nari.

"Who do you think you are, huh?" Namjoon said to her as he cocked his eyebrow.

She took a deep breath, she still had to see them everyday, "Someone who isn't going to stand by while you abuse other people

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She took a deep breath, she still had to see them everyday, "Someone who isn't going to stand by while you abuse other people." she crossed her hands on her chest.

Through the Fire | j.jk Where stories live. Discover now