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     "You have to drink this medicine for the pain, babe." he placed the spoon closer to her mouth, but she shook her head in denial.

    Nari whined, "It tastes funny."

    "No it doesn't." he responded.

     "Then try it." she mumbled to him with a small pout forming on her mouth.

     He furrowed his eyebrows before questioning, "What?"

    "Try it, you're also in pain because of your impromptu boxing session with Hoseok," she explained, "so try it, it might help you too."

    Right, now Jungkook had returned to boxing as a hobby. Mainly, he used it as a getaway ticket to everything that happened in the past week. Whenever he had to leave Nari at her house with her family, he would go to Hoseok's house to do those impromptu training sessions.

It was basically summer when they returned to Busan, so there was no school until the continuing year. Let's face it, Jungkook was scolded by his parents because he left with his friends without telling them. All he did tell them was that it was a trip to celebrate the end of the school year, and they believed it. But he still got scolded, big time.

    "I don't know if that's safe." he chuckled.

"Come on, it's not like it's a prescription," she responded as she got herself more comfortable, "it's over the counter so it's safe."

She slightly pushed the spoon to him, urging him to drink it as well.

He looked at the red liquid questioningly. Should he?

He did. Nari was right, it really does taste bad.

"This tastes horrible." he immediately heard Nari's wonderful laugh and smiled.

Just as she also gulped that horrible medicine, the door to her room creaked open. They both watched in anticipation and found Jay staring at them lovingly.

Both teens stayed silent as his figure startled them. It was also because Jungkook was still outraged by what he had found out this week.

"Hey lovebirds, dinner is ready, your mother cooked for the boys as well," he smiled at them, he looked at Jungkook, "you can invite them if you want." he said before closing the door and walking downstairs.

Nari began standing up so Jungkook helped her. He placed his hand on her waist lightly. She let out a whimper of pain and he sighed.

"Sorry." he told her as they walked downstairs.

They had prepared the table and had sat down to eat.

   Jungkook took out his phone to text the boys in their group chat rapidly.

hey, Nari's fam want
to know if you guys are
up for dinner with them.

heck to the yes.

yeah, be there in a few.

p.s: Eun wants to come too.

yes!  even though I got grounded I'm still going.

agust d

YES 👏🏼


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