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Alec's POV
For many years, I'd hid my true self because I was afraid of rejection and bullying. No one knew I was gay except my sister who actually supports me. Sometime after, I came out accidentally at school and I was laughed at getting beaten on the stage by one of my closest friends, Jace Herondale. Everyone laughed as I couldn't defend myself and had to run after everyone was gone.

Three years later

Alec's POV
College, a place to start over or what I thought. I sighed pulling my suitcase to the lobby before seeing my arch enemy sitting down on the couch. I tried to make myself invisible but it didn't work since he smirked coming up to me. "Well well, if it isn't Alexander," Jace laughed shoving me. "What is your problem?" A male voice from behind me spoke angrily.
"The real question is what is his problem? He's gay"
"It's disgusting!"
"Grow up! Love is love and it shouldn't matter what gender you love or not!"
Jace laughed walking up to the man only stopping to punch me making me fall. "It's required to love girls not boys!" Jace spoke. "I'm sorry but who says? Just because he's different doesn't mean you have to bully him!" The male hissed.
"Yes, it does"
"You don't have to accept the LGBT community but don't send hate towards it. Do you know how many people are hiding the real them because of that?"
"I don't care, it's disgusting"
Jace laughed as he walked out. I sighed trying to get up but ended up falling each time. "Here," the male spoke holding out his hand. I took it. "Thank you," I replied.
"No problem. Are you okay?"
"What's your name?"
"Alec. Alec Lightwood"
"Let me guess, short for Alexander?"
"Yeah. No one calls me that though except when I'm in trouble"
"I see. I'm Magnus. Magnus Bane"
"You're Magnus Bane?! My sister loves you!"
Magnus smiled and nodded. "I believe we're roommates," he whispered in my ear making me shiver. I just met him and I want him to take my virginity right now in this lobby. "Bedroom?" Magnus asked returning me to reality. "Huh?" I asked.
"Do you want to go to the bedroom?"
"Yes, of course"

Time skip

Magnus's POV
I just met Alexander and I wanted to eat him up but he was probably insecure so I wouldn't do anything until I know for sure he has feelings for me.

Three months later

Alec's POV
"Maggie!" I cried running to my boyfriends arms. "What happened, Alexander?" Magnus asked looking at my bleeding bruised body.
"Jace beat me. He had me tied up so I wouldn't escape"
"Alec, I wasn't done with you!" Jace yelled running in with a gun. "Leave him alone, Jace!" Magnus yelled moving himself in front to protect me. Jace laughed and pulled the trigger hitting Magnus in the chest. "No!" I screamed as I caught Magnus in my arms. "Aku Cinta Kamu. I love you," Magnus whispered before taking his last breath.
"I love you too"

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Where stories live. Discover now