Wrong Number Part 2

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Izzy: We have to find Alec

Jace: I know. Alec only said that because he was forced to

Izzy: I still need to know what Magnus did...

Jace: He won't tell us

Izzy: You're right about that

Cat: Magnus!

Magnus: Shh, don't wake Alexander

Cat: Sorry... so I guess he agreed??

Magnus: He had to

Cat: You scared him, didn't you?

Magnus: You know me too well

Camille: Hi Alexander, good morning

Alec: How did you get my number, Camille?

Camille: Magnus gave it to me

Alec: Why am I not surprised. What do you want

Camille: I think you know exactly what I want

Alec: No

Camille: You want Magnus to scare you again?

Alec: Fine

Jace: Alec?

Alec: I thought Magnus blocked your number?

Jace: How did you know it is your sister?

Alec: I just know things

Jace: Fine, be that way

Alec: I have to go

Jace: Alec??

Jace: Hello??

Alec: Alexander isn't available right now

Jace: What did you do to him?!

Alec: Goodbye Izzy. You won't be able to contact him anymore

Cat: I see you

Alec: Who is this?

Cat: Cat? Magnus's best friend?

Alec: You're the one who convinced him to be with Camille

Cat: Yes, yes, I know

Alec: Did Magnus give you my number?

Cat: Yes. We'll be in contact for the next few months

Magnus: Stop screaming or I'll come shut you up

Alec: Finally, I got your attention

Magnus: Don't test me, what do you want

Alec: Somewhere more comfortable

Magnus: And why the hell would I agree to that exactly?

Alec: Maybe because I'm helping you?

Magnus: Fine. But if you mess this up, I won't do this again

Alec: You think I don't know that?

Magnus: Go to sleep or you're going back to your cell

The next day

Camille: Good morning, loser

Alec: What do you want

Camille: The necklace please

Alec: There, now stop texting me

Camille: Until next time, Alexander

Magnus: I'm coming for you

Izzy: Oh, I'm so scared

Magnus: It's Alec

Izzy: You got Magnus's phone? How?

Magnus: He wanted me to text you

Izzy: So why didn't he just unblock my number?

Magnus: He didn't want me to keep texting you

Izzy: Alec, you need to get out of there

Magnus: I'm home, Izzy

Izzy: Alec?

Izzy: ALEC?!

Izzy: Alec, please answer me....

Magnus: He's mine now

Izzy: What did you do?!

Magnus: He's home and he'll never come back

Izzy: Let me talk to him!!

Magnus: Hell no

Cat: Alec looks exhausted

Magnus: The best part is that he's home now

Cat: You beaten him up very good, Mags

Magnus: Thank you

Magnus: Alexander, darling

Alec: What do you want, father

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Where stories live. Discover now