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Plot: It seemed like a normal day for Magnus and Alec, but they were wrong. When Alec gets lost with other people, will Magnus find him or will he stay lost?
A/N: Magnus and Alec have opposite personalities

Magnus's POV
"Alexander, you're going to make us late!" I yelled. "This perfection takes time, Magnus!" Alec yelled back, making me roll my eyes. I'm fine with just wearing all black but Alec just has to wear makeup, glitter, and outrageous colors. I glared at Alec as he walked out of the bedroom, looking beautiful as always. He was wearing a red crop top, glittery dress pants, red and white designer shoes, glittery red trench coat, red scarf, and red and silver makeup. "You look amazing," I spoke. "I got you something," Alec replied.
"Yes, you"
I hesitated as I was handed a small box. "If this is an engagement ring, my answer is yes," I said. "Magnus, just open it," Alec sighed. I gasped when I saw what it was.
"Thank you, Alexander"
"So you'll always find me"
I smiled and kissed him softly before creating a portal to get to the dance.

Few hours later

Alec's POV
I smiled at Magnus as he was dancing with an old friend. All of a sudden, the lights went out. "Magnus!" I shouted, trying to get to him. "Alexander!" Magnus shouted in return. As I got closer, I reached out my hand for him, but never made it.

Magnus's POV
The lights came back, making everyone panic. "Alexander!" I yelled. No answer. "Magnus, Alexander is gone along with tons of others. They're reporting the situation on TV," Cat spoke.
"No! Where is my Alexander?!"
And with that, I portaled myself to the police station. It was quite busy with people shouting at the police trying to find their friends and family. "Let me guess, someone is missing as well?" An officer asked. "My boyfriend. Please, you need to find him," I cried.
"That's what we're going to do"
"Just... please hurry"
"We're going as fast as we can, sir"

Couple hours later

Magnus's POV
The pounding on my door startled me awake. "Yes, yes, I'm coming!" I yelled to no one in particular. I sighed opening the door to find a defeated officer. "He's gone. We can't find him nor can anyone else. It's like he's vanished in thin air. We tried everything. I'm sorry, Mr. Bane," the officer spoke. No, this isn't possible. How does one simply vanish in thin air?! Come back to me: your family, your friends, and your soulmate. Please don't leave me. Return home, I need you, my sweet Alexander. I just sat on my black sofa playing with my necklace. "So you'll always find me," Alec's voice spoke in my mind, making me hopeful. I touched my heart necklace, making it glow. "Come back to me, Alexander," I whispered as I drifted to sleep.

The morning after

Alec's POV
I screamed as I hit sidewalk, making the homeless woman run away terrified. "Police, name yourself!" An officer shouted. "Alexander Lightwood," I replied.
"Come with us"
I nodded and followed the officer.

Magnus's POV
Can't people not pound on my door in the middle of the night?! I yawned before opening the door. "Alexander?" I asked, shocked. "MAGNUS!" Alec cried, throwing himself on me.

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