Almost Death

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Alec's POV
Everything went too fast. My sister crying and my parabatai frozen. I want to cry out, say I'm okay but it's like my voice is gone. I can't speak, I can't scream for help. "Choose, Nephilim," a voice whispers in my mind.

A few hours earlier

Alec's POV
"Alec!" Jace yelled running in my room only to cover his eyes. "By the angel, Jace!" I yelped covering myself with a blanket.
"Is it safe now?"
"Yes, Jacey"
Jace yelped removing his hands. "We have several vampire attacks in downtown Brooklyn," Jace announced before leaving to get ready for the mission. I blinked before getting ready myself. I honestly didn't want to go not because there was a chance of running into Magnus (which would most likely happen) but because of dealing with the worst downworlders literally.

Time skip

Alec's POV
"There's like 300+ vampires not to mention 50+ demons, Jace!" I yelled when we found the "battle". "Took you nephilims long enough," a female warlock hissed. Clearly, this warlock was not on our side. "We just found out!" Izzy defended. "Whatever. If you're looking for the high warlock, he's up front," the warlock scowled.
"We actually just want to fight"
I would've laughed if it wasn't for the demon that almost hit me in the chest but I was quicker plunging my seraph blade in his stomach. "Alec! Ducks are after us!" Jace screamed. I rolled my eyes and turned around only to freeze. There were ducks (literally) fighting some warlocks that randomly showed up. I yelped when a demon got me in the arm instantly falling to my knees. Quickly, I used a sword killing the demon that hurt me. "Alec!" Jace screamed before flying across me. "Jace, you okay?!" I asked.
Izzy sighed running up to the front where most of the fighting was taking place. I shook my head getting up while trying to ignore the pain and ran after her leaving Jace alone. "I'll be fine on my own," I heard Jace mutter.

Magnus's POV
"Magnus!" Catarina yelled using her magic to protect me from a demon. "Thank you!" I yelled killing another vampire and demon at the same time.
"What the hell?!"
"Catarina!" A female yelled running to her side. "Isabelle," Catarina spook with surprise in her voice.
A violent scream made Izzy look back. "Jace, what the hell?!" She screamed. "I'm fine! It's- ow!" Jace yelped going to his knees like he was in pain.
"Jace, what's wrong?"
"Alec, he's-"
"I'm fine, Jace!" Alec yelled running to his parabatai. "Alec?" Izzy asked.
"I'm fine"
That was his last words before he went unconscious.

Alec's POV
"Choose, Nephilim," a voice whispers through my mind. My eyes open to reveal a white room with a girl in the middle. "Where am I?" I asked.
"You can have happiness and move on or you can be immortal and have another chance. Choose wisely"
I blinked and the girl disappeared. What do I choose?

A/N: Don't worry, there will be a part two!

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