Always Choose You

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Alec's POV
My wedding was next week and I was honestly terrified of marrying Harry. "Alec? You um.. have a guest," Jace spoke. "Jace, what's wrong? Who is it?" I asked.
"Well, it's.... Magnus"
"So.. do you want me to reject his request?"
"I.... no, it's alright... I need to face him"
"Hey," Magnus said closing the door behind him. "Why are you here?" I asked, wanting to get it over with.
"Wow Alexander. Is that how you treat an old friend?"
"Magnus, you broke up with me three years ago and have been ignoring me since. Is that how you treat friends?"
"..I came to apologize for that and get back what's rightfully mine"
"I'm getting married next week if you haven't heard! I believe it's too late for that"
Magnus raised his eyebrows. "Oh, you mean Harry? So you haven't told anyone that you broke it off with him and are now marrying me?" He grinned before kissing my lips softly. "I told you I want them to be surprised," I argued.
"And surprised they should be"
"Yes, darling?"
"You knew I'd always choose you, right?"
"Of course"

A/N: Comment how you felt about the plot twist! Also, thank you for 1k reads!!!!

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