A Party

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Alec's POV
I was going insane as I watched my sister dance with someone sexually and I wanted to break his neck. "Enjoying the party, pretty boy?" A male purred beside me, making me jump. "No, parties aren't my thing," I answered before checking the male out. He was wearing red skinny jeans with silver sparkles, a gold crop top with the words 'Dance Until You Drop', a red jacket, gold dress shoes, three red necklaces, a red and silver bracelet, and red makeup with silver in his hair. The male chuckled as he noticed, making me look down and blush.
"Like what you see, darling?"
"Let's get out of here, Angel"
The next thing I knew I was being dragged out of the party and into a limo. I could feel the male smirking at me but I didn't dare look up. "Let me see your beautiful face, sweetheart," he purred, making me look up. He smiled and cupped my face with his hand, so I couldn't look back down. "You don't talk much, do you, darling?" He smirked. In response, I nodded my head. "I-" I started.
"What's your name, handsome?"
"Hmm. Let me guess, short for Alexander?"
I nodded. "May I call you Alexander, darling? It really suits you," he purred. "Um, s-sure," I replied.

Magnus's POV
Alec was certainly obsessed over me as I handed him a hot chocolate when we reached my mansion. "What's your name?" Alec asked. "My apologizes, Alexander. It's Magnus," I purred, licking my lips.
"Magnus?! As in Magnus Bane?!"
"The one and only, cupcake"
"Do you mind giving me an autograph for my sister? She's a huge fan"
"Not at all. What's your sisters name?"
"Isabelle. Isabelle Lightwood"
"I thought your name sounded familiar. I knew many of your family members"
"Yes, Angel?"
"I love you"

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Where stories live. Discover now