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This one-shot is based on MalecLovely 's (if you don't follow this acc, follow it because their stories are amazing) high school AU

Alec's POV
No one, not even Izzy, would guess who I was in a relationship with since I kept him a secret for seven years now and we both agreed to announce our relationship after high school. Izzy was the average popular girl who would give you advice on makeup and clothes. I was walking when I bumped into my 'enemy' making me fall on the ground. I glared at Magnus as he started to laugh since everyone was watching. "Meet me tonight at our special place," he whispered in my ear so quietly that no one else noticed. I allowed my lips to form a small smile that was only noticed by Magnus. I sighed pulling myself up before walking to my class. I could hear my actual enemy, Jace, laughing and purposely tripped me in the doorway of the classroom making everyone laugh. I sighed and glared at Jace who grinned and kicked me ten times on my sides. "Get him," Sebastian laughed walking around my body and sat on my chest hard as his fist started connecting with my face. Even the teacher started laughing as well and just stood in the front of the room allowing Sebastian to continue. Jace grinned and pulled Sebastian off me so he could take his turn. My face became too bloody to see as I struggled to get to the bathroom to clean myself up. I was lucky I ran into Magnus who grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the bathroom as he started to clean myself up. "Did you lock the door?" I asked. Magnus grinned and nodded. "Of course, darling," he purred.
"I honestly don't know what I would do without you"
"You, Alexander, would be living a very boring life"
I chuckled and kissed him on the cheek once most of the blood was gone. Magnus smiled resting his forehead against mine. "You're very correct," I smirked. "Aren't I just the best boyfriend?" Magnus purred.
"The best boyfriend of the year award goes to Magnus Bane"
"The best couple of the year award goes to Malec or Magnus Bane and Alexander Lightwood"
I blushed kissing his lips gently before pulling away. "I think we should return to class," I whispered. "Or we could get away from here and spend more time together," Magnus smirked kissing me a second time making me smile.
"Sure if you can get us out without getting caught"
"Meet me at the back while I distract the teachers and tell a cover story"
I grinned and walked out of the bathroom pulling my dark hoodie up. Luckily, the teachers didn't question me as I walked out of the back door. Not even a few minutes later, Magnus showed up in his car. Making sure no one was watching, I quickly got in the passenger seat and Magnus pulled away fast from the school. I smiled playing with Magnus's fingers to give myself comfort.

Time skip

Magnus's POV
"Come here," I purred holding out my arms when we reached inside my private mansion and Alec ran right into them. I smiled down at him and kissed his forehead. "When was the last time we had this?" Alec murmured. "About 3 years ago," I replied sadly.
"It's harder when you're older"
"I know love, I know"
Alec sighed and hid his face in my chest as my hand was stroking his hair gently before kissing him on the forehead. Alec groaned and kissed me hard on the lips pushing me gently until I was pushed against a wall. My lips formed in a smile as my hands slid down to his waist and used one to pull Alec's shirt upwards. Alec groaned due to the touch giving me the opportunity to slide my tongue into his mouth. I smirked pulling away to catch my breath and pushed Alec gently so I could get out before picking him up and carried him bridal style to the bedroom kicking the door shut.

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Where stories live. Discover now