You're My Favorite

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AU where Alec is Magnus's prisoner, but gets treated as an equal
Alec's POV
The doors slid open, making the other prisoners and I get closer to the cell door. "I don't care what you do with them. Kill or beat them if you want," Raphael snickered. "Raphael, I give the orders around here, not you. You can do what you please, but if you touch Alexander, I'll kill you myself," Magnus ordered.
"You heard me, Raphael. I will not repeat myself"
"Yes, your majesty"
"What do you want us to do with Alec?" Cat asked. "Take him to the bedrooms, have someone prepare a bath for him, and give him clean clothes. Make sure to give him the bedroom that he finds the most comfortable," Magnus answered. The other prisoners growled and tried fighting back as they were taken: resulting into getting beaten until they calmed down or probably went unconscious. The four prisoners close to me gave me dirty looks before being taken to wherever the guards lead them. "You're not going to fight back, are you?" Cat asked with a smile. I just stayed quiet: too scared to answer. "You don't have to be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you," Cat assured before opening my cell door and walked closer, making me walk away quickly. "No, no, it's okay. We won't hurt you," Cat spoke, slowly moving forward as her hand slowly reached for mine. "Stay away from me," I panicked.
"I won't hurt you. You're safe here"
I shook my head before laying my head in my knees. Cat sighed as she walked out, leaving the cell door open. "Where is he, Cat?" Magnus's voice echoed through the walls. "He's too scared, my majesty," Cat replied.
"Go get some rest. I'll deal with this"
"Thank you, your majesty"
Silence. "Alexander, I promise you we're not here to hurt you," Magnus spoke, making me glance up. "What can we do to make you trust us, Alexander?" Magnus asked. I just stayed quiet: still too scared to speak. "Alexander, please," Magnus sighed. Silence. "I don't want to have to hurt you so please tell me what we can do to make you trust us," Magnus spoke, breaking the silence. "Let my sister go," I replied.
"Who's your sister?"
"Isabelle Lightwood. Let her go and get me some water, then I'll trust you"
"Your majesty, the girls are ready," Raphael snickered. "Release a prisoner: Isabelle Lightwood. And if Cat is awake, have her bring some water," Magnus ordered.
"Isabelle Lightwood? But sir, she's the best"
"Do I need to repeat myself?"
"No, sir. I'll release her right away"
"Take her out from here"
"Why not the front?"
"Raphael, if I have to repeat myself-"
"On it, sir"
It seemed like forever until Isabelle was being lead out. "Alec!" Izzy screamed. "Forward!" Raphael yelled.
"No! I need to say goodbye to my brother!"
"Well, too bad!"
"Water, your majesty," Cat spoke. "Thank you, Cat. Raphael, give Isabelle her wishes," Magnus replied as he handed the water to me. "Fine, you can say goodbye to your brother but don't take too long," Raphael growled. Izzy ran to me and hugged me as if it was our last. "Take care of mom, promise me," I whispered. "I promise. I'm going to miss you so much," Izzy cried.
"I love you, Iz"
"I love you too, Alec"
Izzy gave me a sad smile before walking out. "Come on, let's take you upstairs," Cat spoke, holding out her hand. I shook my head and grabbed Magnus's open hand instead. "Cat, tell the maids to get ready for Alexander," Magnus ordered before leading me upstairs.

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