Threatened Part 3

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Alexander was sitting uncomfortably as his bounds were literally ripping against his skin. With the little strength I had left, I barely was able to remove the bounds from his wrists.

Alec's POV
I felt sick as my arms were forcefully wrapped around Magnus's waist and my head on his shoulder. The only thing preventing me from moving was the knife on the table. Magnus smiled as his hands played in my hair making me feel dirty. "You're not comfortable? You better act comfortable unless you want to get stabbed," Magnus threatened. "You won't stab me," I challenged.
"And what makes you think that?"
"You need me alive, don't you? That's why you had your servants hurt me and not yourself. You'll regret it if you land a hand on me because you still love me"
Magnus just stared before bursting out laughing and pushed me off the couch harshly as his hands grabbed the knife. I winced as he stabbed me in the arm and I could feel his grin. "Now sweetheart, do I need to go deeper or are you going to obey?" Magnus snarled. "Go ahead. Go deeper," I replied. I winced as the knife went deeper and deeper but honestly I wanted it. It wasn't until I no longer felt the pain anymore, I knew Magnus figured it out. "I'm not going to help you end your life, Alexander," Magnus sighed.
"You would"
"I'm not here to kill you, darling"
"I don't want to be here! Kill me!"

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