In Denial

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This is more of an Alec one-shot. Basically, this is what Alec "doesn't do" when he sees Magnus.

Day 1: The First Meeting

Alec's POV
"That is ridiculous!" Izzy yelled with laughter. "How, exactly?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Alec, go back to Narnia. You're too far lost in the closet"
"Never mind"
I sighed and walked out of the kitchen running straight into Magnus. I definitely did not stare at his pants before pulling myself up. "You okay?" Magnus smirked. "What? I'm fine. Are you okay?" I asked.
"I'm fine"

Day 2: Meeting In College

Alec's POV
This party was only getting worst when I got alcohol poured over my hair. I sighed as I kept getting shoved or punched every time I walked by someone. "Are you okay?!" Magnus asked, pulling me over to somewhere safer. "I- what?" I asked. I definitely was not distracted by his outfit, making me lost of words.
"I'm sorry, what?"
Magnus raised his eyebrows suspiciously. "I asked if you needed anything?" He asked. "Uh, no," I answered.

Day 3: Dirty

Alec's POV
"Alec!" Magnus shouted, bringing me back to reality. "Um yes?" I asked.
"We need to do this?"
"Kill Camille? Alexander, are you okay?"
No, I definitely wasn't in love with Magnus and wanted to do him right here, right now.

Day 4: High School

Alec's POV
"You have a crush on Magnus!" Izzy shouted. "Alexander, I'm honored," Magnus smirked. "Izzy, what are you talking about? I-I don't have a crush on Magnus. I'm straight anyway," I spoke.
"Alexander, you don't even walk straight. I can guess your sexuality easily"
"And my sexuality is?"
"Nope, nope. I'm straight!"
I definitely wasn't lying about having a crush on Magnus.

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