I Love You!!

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**Warning: There will be mentions of abuse, rape, and suicide.
Don't read if it will make you uncomfortable**

Alec's POV
I sighed storming into the Institute and quickly walked to my bedroom. "Alexander darling," Magnus spoke through the shadows using his magic to lock my door. "What are you doing here?" I demanded walking the different direction until I ended up pinned against the wall. Magnus chuckled and walked closer grabbing me by the shirt and slammed me against the wall making me yelp. Somehow Magnus became violent since three years ago due to the influence of some spell which he can't control. "Don't worry darling. I won't hurt you that much," Magnus whispered in my ear before slapping me several times. I groaned in pain as I slid down waiting for the punches and kicks which happened immediately. Magnus laughed before kicking me in the face causing me to lose consciousness. My eyes barely fluttered open to notice my wrists bounded with rope. "Go to sleep darling," Magnus hissed, kicking me in the face a second time.

Time skip

Alec's POV
I woke up with a start glancing at the window where bad memories started. I struggled with getting free of the rope but only resulting in making it tighter. "Stop struggling, you'll hurt yourself," Magnus snapped. "I don't care," I hissed.
"You should care unless you want another beating of course"
"Are you threatening me? Magnus, you can fight it!"
"Don't you think I tried?! I hate having to hurt you!"
"Then why return?"
"The spell lead me here. I honestly didn't know you'd still be here but of course my violent side found you"
"Magnus, you have to fight it"
"I can't"
Magnus started walking closer and I could notice a knife in his hand making me scream because I knew what was about to happen. Magnus smirked and pulled down my pants and boxers. "Just enjoy it darling," Magnus whispered before kissing around my legs. I screamed and struggled to get free. It was no use so I relaxed and moaned since it felt so good until the knife cut my ankle making me yelp. "I love you Alexander," Magnus whispered before pulling out. I just stared at him with teary eyes not saying a word until Magnus growled and twisted the knife deeper. "I-" I started.
"Do you love me?! Say it!"
"Magnus, please!"
The knife only got deeper making me scream. "Say it or it only keeps getting deeper!" Magnus hissed slapping me. "I love you!" I shouted and groaned in pain as the knife left my body. At that very moment, Magnus's violent side left his body. Magnus fell on his knees and started to cry using his magic to free me.
"I wish I could control it. I hate hurting you. Kill me Alexander please"
"Magnus, I-"
"Do it!"
Magnus looked up and looked straight at me in the eye. "You want to be with me even though you know the consequences of my violent side?" He cried. "I love you, Magnus. You're my first relationship, I can't lose you!" I screamed.
"I love you Alexander. I'm sorry"
I screamed as Magnus took the knife and stabbed himself in the heart three times. "No!" I yelled running to my lover. "Move on. You deserve better. If only I didn't get hit by that spell, we would be happier. Aku cinta kamu Alexander," Magnus whispered before taking his last breath. "Aku cinta kamu Magnus," I whispered to myself before stabbing myself three times in the heart as well so I could join Magnus.

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