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Alec's POV
I tossed and turned in my sleep before letting out a scream. "Hush," Peter hissed, slapping me. I growled and accidentally kicked him in the process. "You're dead!" Peter spat. "Let me go!" I screamed as I was pushed off the bed and literally being dragged on the floor. Peter came into my life and forced me to date him while he did bad things to me. Before I knew it, we were at Gustave Park and earned a pretty good beating. "You want to leave?! Go before I change my mind, slut!" Peter growled. I hissed before getting up and ran as fast as I could without weapons or a glamour to a place I remember to be safe before tripping and rolled onto the grass of Central Park when everything went black.

Couple hours later

Jace's POV
"What did you do to my parabatai?!" I yelled at Peter. "Just gave him a good beating before he ran away," Peter replied.
"You bastard!"
"Thank you!"
I growled before receiving a phone call. "This is Jace. If you don't know where my parabatai is, I don't want to talk," I spoke. "Alexander is fine, Jace. Well, he's a little beaten up but he's fine," the voice answered.
"Magnus, long time no talk"
"Just get to my appointment and bring Alexander's things. I'm sure he'd like to see you and Izzy after I get him to wake up"
"You don't even know what's happening"
"I have an idea. Let me guess, it has something to do with Peter Hastings?"
"You know him?"
"He's a criminal, Jace and he wants to take revenge on your family. With you being the last Herondale"
"That's why he's using Alec so he can kill me"

Alec's POV
I woke up with a start as I carefully observed my surroundings. "You're awake, my parabatai!" Jace yelled. "Jace? Where am I?" I asked, trying to sit up before being pushed back down. "Don't move until you're fully healed, Alexander," a voice spoke.
"Magnus? W-what?"
"You were passed out, I couldn't just leave you there. Besides, I needed you to be safe"
"You care about my safety?"
"Alexander, I always care about your safety"

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Where stories live. Discover now