Just A Nightmare

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Alec's POV
I sighed in my lovers arms which were wrapped around my waist tightly. Magnus grinned and punched my back making me yelp. "I love you my Alexander," Magnus purred continuing to punch me and pushed me harshly down on the floor where his fist connected to my stomach several times. I screamed out as I saw the blood on my stomach and arms which someone else was dragging a knife through my skin. Magnus was laughing as he attacked my face and neck. My eyes were hurting due to all the blood that I didn't even notice the kicks to my head. Magnus flipped me over and repeated beating me until I was forced to take my last breath.

I woke up with a start screaming and sobbing. It was just a nightmare, I kept telling myself. "Alec, what's wrong?" Magnus asked sleepily. I didn't answer so I simply hid my face in his chest as his arms wrapped around my waist tightly not wanting to let go.

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