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Alec's POV
I hate humans so much. They think they can get away with anything but I know better. I sighed standing in the sunlight before heading back to my favorite area of Central Park only to find it taken. I hissed my fangs quietly before running up to the bench. "Um?" The sparkly male asked confused. "You're sitting in my spot," I growled.
"Is your name on it? No. I won't leave"
"Just get out!"
"You know you don't scare me. We're both human here"
"I. Said. Get. Out"
The male scowled before getting up and crossed his arms. "Do you have a problem with me, ass?" He growled pushing me. "That didn't even hurt!" I spat.
"It will once I'm done with you"
"Beating me up won't make me scared"
The male laughed and started kicking my sides. For being a vampire, the kicking actually hurt but I didn't let it show. It was like my strength was low because I couldn't fight back. I groaned in pain as a punch to the stomach happened. "Huh. Guess you're weak. I'm not even close with finishing this," the male smirked and started punching my face with his other hand while the other was continuing punching my stomach. I hissed showing my fangs in the process. "I didn't know I was beating up a vampire," the male laughed kicking my face. "You have the sight," I coughed. I tried to get up but the male stepped on my chest holding me down.
"Aww. And you didn't know that. Names Magnus, never forget that"
"Ha! You think I'm scared of you? You're wrong!"
Magnus laughed before tying my ankles and wrists together. "I don't need you to be scared of me," he spat before kicking my face a second time making me lose consciousness.

Time skip

Magnus's POV
"Make him your new lover. Let him turn you into a vampire. We need his blood," Camille told me as we watched the vampire struggling to get free even though he was asleep. "No! Don't take his blood! What if he falls in love with me?!" I hissed. I honestly hated finding vampires only to capture them and get their blood because apparently Camille needed it to survive. It was bad enough that Camille was born half vampire but needed to kill of others just so she wouldn't die and I so wished she was dead right now.
"Magnus, that will never happen. If you're not willing to give me his blood, I'll find someone who will"
"Fine. What is his name?"
"Alec Lightwood, one of the head vampires"
I sighed and carried Alec bridal style to my bedroom.

A/N: There will be several parts! However, some will take longer than others. I haven't decided if I want a happy ending or not

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Where stories live. Discover now