Because I'm Lacking Creativity, There Is No Title

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Alec's POV
Another exhausting day and I wish work was over but there were only five hours left. I sighed dropping my pen as I leaned back in my chair, too exhausted to even continue. "Alec?" Izzy asked. "Hm? Don't tell me there's more work I have to finish," I sighed.
"I can take over if you'd like? Besides, you have a visitor in your room"
I blinked confused because I was so exhausted that I didn't even remember my entire life. Izzy frowned shaking her head and motioning me to get out. It wasn't until I reached my bedroom door that I realized I had Magnus and literally rushed in my room slamming the door behind me. I blinked looking around but Magnus was nowhere in sight. "Long day?" A voice smirked making me jump and turn around. The next thing I knew I was pinned against the door as I was being kissed passionately. "Magnus," I spoke after pulling away to catch my breath. Magnus chuckled and guided me to my bed, gently sitting me down before massaging my shoulders, making me moan.
"You never get a break, do you darling?"
"Mmm. How do you always know these things?"
"Warlock, darling"
I pouted as Magnus removed his hands from my shoulders. "Don't stop," I whined. "I know a better way for you to relax, darling," Magnus smirked with a wink.
"Not now. I just want to sleep and cuddle"
"Of course. Anything for you, love"
I sighed laying on my pillow which was Magnus's chest as he wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer.

A/N: Now, I want this as a scene in the show 😂😂.

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