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Alec walked through the halls as fast as he could to reach homeroom before getting slammed on the wall by no other than Camille Belcourt. "Let go of me!" Alec screamed fighting to get free. "Not until I'm done with you," Camille hissed before punching Alec several times. About three hours later, Alec's face was covered with blood as he allowed tears to fall. A kick in the stomach made him wince in pain. Alec forced himself up to see the attacker only to face with Camille's boyfriend, Sebastian Morgenstern. "What's the matter? Afraid Magnus Bane won't notice you? Well, congratulations. He already has thanks to me but thinks you're a stalker," Sebastian laughed kicking Alec in the stomach a second time. Sebastian left walking leaving Alec alone defenseless allowing anyone to torment him if they pleased.

Time skip

Alec's POV
I sighed pulling myself up only falling down immediately. Laughs could be heard from hallway to hallway making me embarrassed. "You okay?" Catarina Loss, Magnus' best friend, asked. "I'm fine," I lied.
"Sweetie, you're bleeding"
"Leave him Catarina. He's just a stalker," Magnus smirked walking up to where I sat. "Magnus! You don't even know him!" Catarina defended.
"I know he's in love with me. I know he's been watching me in class everyday since Freshman year. So yes, I do know him"
"He's shy for crying out loud Magnus!"
Magnus just shook his head before kneeling in front of me. "Be careful darling. Bad things can happen if you continue stalking me," he hissed in warning. "I'm not stalking you!" I cried.
"Yeah right. You've been warned. Do me a favor and stop obsessing over me"

Time skip

Magnus's POV
I sighed regretting the words I said to Alexander Lightwood knowing the fact Sebastian forced me to judge him. I did notice Alec before but never had the courage to go talk to him meaning we were in the same position. I looked over my couch to see Alec sleeping while his breathing was under control. I wanted to kiss him right now before it was too late. "I've tried everything. He's been beaten up very badly and I can't save him. He has 24 hours to live," Catarina's voice spoke through my mind. I wished I had kissed him but never got to when he took his final breath five minutes ago.

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