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Summary: Most of the Institutes Nephilim feel threatened by the downworlders due to a huge major loss accidentally created by Magnus Bane after ending his alliance with the shadowhunters

Alec's POV
I laid on the bed trying to remove my bounds that held me in place. I wanted to cry out but my voice was taken by the warlock that apparently trapped me here. My sister was taken by the queen and my parabatai was missing. "He's struggling. You need to hurt him or I will," a female voice hissed through the door. "We're not hurting Alexander. I don't care what she says, he will not get hurt," a male voice argued.
"But sir. If Magnus-"
"Magnus isn't here, now is he? I don't obey the queen's orders and you should too. Magnus has demanded he doesn't get hurt"
"You better obey the queen!"
"Not happening"
The door slowly opened to reveal the male with his arms crossed. "Are the ropes too tight for you?" He asked. "They're fine," I struggled.
"We're not going to hurt you"
"You should"
A laugh made the male jump as Magnus stood in front of him as the man moved to his side. "Ragnor, what is going on here?" Magnus asked eying me suspiciously. "Nothing, Magnus. Just checking on the Nephilim," Ragnor, the man, replied.
"Plans have changed. I want him beaten and bleeding. After, you will bring him to me"
"But sir-"
"Is that clear?"
"Yes, sir"

Time skip because I'm too lazy to write the beating

Magnus's POV
I sighed finishing my last paper before Ragnor showed up with Alexander, who was bleeding terribly, and shoved him on the floor. "Thank you," I spoke, motioning Ragnor away. He nodded before walking out and closing the door behind him. I smirked walking over to a terrified Alexander as I kneeled in front of him. "Why are you doing this?" Alec snapped. "Because of you, darling," I growled.

To be continued

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Where stories live. Discover now