Gardens and one special ring

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Alec's POV
It was very rare for a downworlder to be at a shadowhunter meeting, so when Magnus showed up, it surprised me. I didn't have a problem with him being there if he wasn't distracting me literally. It was really hard to concentrate when your boyfriend was behind you with an arm wrapped around your neck and a hand playing with your hair. Clary was the only one listening as she was writing down notes since I would probably need them while Izzy and Jace were staring at me suspiciously. "Alexander, are you listening?!" My father yelled with annoyance. "One, call me Alec, Robert. Two, I just heard you so yes, I'm listening," I replied.
"... well, at least Clary is actually writing notes for you, so you're off this time. And two, I'm your father!"
"You're no father, Robert"
"This meeting is dismissed!"
"Well, this meeting was interesting," Jace spoke. "And amusing," Magnus added before leaning down to kiss me (this is one of the many types of kisses I want to happen on the show). "Oh my god! The garden is back!" Izzy screamed. "What? When?" I asked.
"They look like they've been there for a while"
"How does one not notice a beautiful garden?"
"Us apparently"
"A garden isn't even that important?" Jace shrugged. "It's not just a garden, Jace!" I shouted.
"Okay, okay. Clearly it's important to you for some random reason but whatever"
If only Jace knew how important it actually was to me.


"A royal wedding was in this gorgeous garden. It was true loves kiss that bought it back to life. Maybe it'll return one day for any of you," Maryse spoke. "When does it come back?" I asked, curiously.
"When you have your true loves kiss, Alexander"

End of flashback

Alec's POV
I sighed as I stared out the window. "You seem stressed, you okay?" Magnus asked, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Yeah, I'm fine," I replied.
"Alexander, you know you can't lie to me, right?"
"Mags, I'll be okay. It's just everything's been too much lately"
"You need a massage"
"A massage? Seriously?"
"Yes, darling"
"No, I have a better idea"
"And that is?"
"I want to show you something"


If you're truly in love with someone, this beautiful mansion-like platform shows up and it's a tradition to give a promise ring to your true love.

End of flashback

Alec's POV
Hand in hand, I pulled Magnus to the platform. Magnus gasped at the beauty and attacked me with kisses. "This is one of my special places when I need to be alone for a while. You're very special to me, Mags. Will you accept this promise ring?" I asked. (Pic above). Yes, yes!" Magnus answered as I slipped the ring on his finger.
"I love you for eternity"
"As I love you for eternity, my sweet Alexander"

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