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Warning: There will be mentions of rape and abuse!! Don't read if makes you uncomfortable

Alec's POV
My hands were trembling on the bed where I laid tied to the bedpost. I sighed and kept struggling to get free while my kidnapper was thrusting in me rather forcefully. I bit my lip to avoid screaming so I wouldn't get punished. "Oh darling you are amazing," Sebastian spat pulling out of me. "Why don't you just let me go?" I snapped only resulting in getting slapped.
"Until someone wants you, you'll be free to go. Now relax as I do your punishment"
I just glared at him until my face was too bloody to see. Sebastian smirked and punched me hard one last time. "Whip or knife sweetheart?" Sebastian hissed setting me on my knees.

Two hours later

Magnus's POV
"Alexander Lightwood is my absolute best," Sebastian smirked holding out the contact to sign. Alec was sitting beside me in the other chair with his hands in his lap. I told Sebastian I wanted him as my slave but really I save people who I think deserves to be freed. I signed the contract with a wicked smile on my face only to fool Sebastian. "Congrats Alec, you are now free," Sebastian hissed as I pulled him out the door.

At the apartment

Alec's POV
"You should know I freed you to save you," Magnus smirked leading me to his bedroom. "I don't understand," I spoke.
"In other words, you're not going to be my slave"

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Where stories live. Discover now