Alec's Ex Boyfriend

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Alec's POV
No one said it was easy after getting out of this relationship. I was sitting at a bench in Central Park with my eyes showing sadness. "Alexander ha I didn't expect to see you today," Gabriel hissed pushing me off. "Stay away from me!" I shouted making Gabriel laugh.
"What's the matter? You're mine"
"Never in a billion years!"
"Don't be like that. I love you"
"You never loved me!"
Gabriel laughed as he came closer to me and grabbed me by the arms pinning me on the bench before playing with my body. "Get off me!" I screamed struggling to get away but Gabriel's grip was just too strong. "No!" Gabriel growled while his hand stroked my thigh.
"Please don't!"
Gabriel just kept laughing before getting thrown from me hitting the concrete hard as I slid off the bench hitting my leg. "Ow," I mumbled. "How dare you!" Gabriel screamed getting up before running to me but didn't make it when someone jumped in front of me to protect me. "I think you should leave!" He growled.
"Or what? What are you doing to do?"
"I won't hesitate to hurt you"
Gabriel laughed before faking a flinch. "Is that the best you got?" He challenged. "You do realize you're speaking to the high warlock of Brooklyn, right?!" Magnus growled before making a ball of blue fire in his hands making Gabriel stop laughing.
"This isn't over, Alexander!"
I would've jumped up to go fight him but honestly I didn't have the energy and I didn't bring any weapons. Gabriel laughed walking away before Magnus turned around holding out his hand which I took immediately.

Time skip

Magnus's POV
"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" I asked healing his leg that ended up with a lot of blood from falling. Alec shook his head. "He would've if you didn't show up," Alec answered.
"Well I'm glad I showed up when I did"
"He won't leave me alone. I honestly thought it was over"
"What happened? You don't have to tell me if it brings you too much pain"
"Let's just say he was my worst relationship ever and I actually thought he loved me"
"He's not going to hurt you. I'll make sure of that"
"You can't promise that"
"I can and I will"

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Where stories live. Discover now