Magnus's Boyfriend

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Alec's POV
In my school, there were two groups, the populars and the victims. Sadly, I was in the victims group while my siblings were in the populars group. I had no idea I would be dating the king of the populars, Magnus Bane. I wasn't complaining but he definitely was because his popularity went down since he was dating me and had to do something about that. That's how I got into this position.

A few hours earlier

Alec's POV
I sighed quietly occasionally opening my eyes only resulting in getting them closed forcefully. "Keep your eyes closed! Can't you do anything right?!" Magnus hissed finishing his last touches of makeup. "This was taking too long!" I argued making Magnus roll his eyes.
"Everything needed to be perfect! I need to gain my popularity back!"
"You wouldn't have to worry about that if you weren't dating me!"
Magnus laughed gently before kissing my lips. "You know why I'm dating you. You didn't want to be a victim anymore so I volunteered to date you," Magnus whispered in my ear. "So your popularity is more important than your relationships?!" I hissed.
"Only when my relationships bring my popularity down, darling"
"You're selfish, Magnus!"
"Says the one who isn't complaining at all even though you're getting treated badly"
"Because I love you!"
Magnus smirked kneeling in front of me. "That just gives me a good advantage," he whispered. "I don't believe that for a second," I growled.
"I don't need you to"


Alec's POV
Everyone was literally staring as Magnus was kissing me passionately. Ever since I came in looking like a fashionista, we've been getting a lot of attention lately so Magnus would do anything to gain his popularity back. "You going to remove my brothers face, Magnus?" Izzy asked breaking the kiss. "Possibly," Magnus answered, shrugging before wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I still can't believe you got him to wear better clothes and makeup!"
"I kinda had to force it on him but whatever"
Izzy laughed. "And he was okay with that?" She asked. "As always," Magnus answered kissing my cheek. "Get to class," the principal spoke walking by us.

Time skip

Magnus's POV
I smirked as I guided Alec through the hallways and pinned him against a wall when reaching a less crowded place. It still got the attention of everyone encouraging me to kiss him passionately. If I had to choose my favorite kiss, it would be definitely be this one. I pulled away helping Alec down before guiding him to the apartment.

Time skip

Alec's POV
I laid my head on Magnus's shoulder as he was playing with my hair. Cuddling didn't happen often, it was more of a reward if I did something right. "Do better tomorrow Alexander," Magnus whispered in my ear.

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