5000 Years Later

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Alec's POV
I sighed as I slipped into my cape while I traveled the familiar streets of New York City. My boyfriend, Peter, pulled me closer to avoid the coldness. "Isn't it great to return home?" Peter asked. "Not really," I answered.
"Why is that, Alec?"
"It's not the same as it was 5000 years ago"
"We're here to save it. That's exactly what you tried to did all those years ago"
"This time, we're here to save it to save the entire world"
Peter sighed before sitting down on a deserted bench in Central Park. "This part of New York seems very deserted," he spoke. "Not deserted at all," a female voice whispered, making us jump. "Clearly," I muttered before turning around. "Alec?" Cat asked. "Cat?" I replied.
"How? This is impossible"
"Eric turned me immortal and half warlock. I thought you were dead"
"We had to fake our deaths because we were being followed"
"Oh, that's right. You lost contact with Magnus a long time ago"
"Magnus? As in the former high warlock of Brooklyn, Magnus Bane?" Peter asked, surprised. "The one and only. Come on, clearly we're on the same side and considering that you probably don't have a home, you're staying with us," Cat replied. We walked on until we reached a mansion-like home. "Magnus, open up! We have guests!" Cat shouted through the intercom. "Cat, they could be enemies for all we know!" Magnus shouted back.
"I promise you they're not!"
"May I get their names please?!"
"You must be Magnus! I'm so excited to meet you!" Peter shouted, making me chuckle. "Peter, you definitely should be," I spoke through laughs.
"Alec, how dare you hurt me like that!"
"It's open!" Cat shouted. I gave her a look of confusion, but shrugged it off. Peter grabbed my hand and dragged me inside quickly when an explosion took place. "Is anyone hurt?" Magnus asked. "We're all good," Peter answered.
"You must be Peter. I'm Magnus"
"Peter Michaels, nice to meet you Magnus Bane"
Magnus smiled before turning his attention to me. "Alexander, how is this possible?" He asked as he gave me a hug. "Eric turned me immortal and half warlock," I answered.
"I'm so happy he did"
"Mine!" Peter hissed, wrapping his arms around my waist possessively. "Peter, Magnus was just being friendly," I spoke.
"And he's also your ex"
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"Relax, Peter. I won't steal Alexander away from you," Magnus replied, calmly.

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