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Jace has added everyone to a group chat

Clary: J
Izzy: Oh
Simon: ...
Jace: ...
Max: What's the point of this...?
Jace: Sales, leave
Simon: *Simon. You invited everyone, Jace
Clary: ^^
Izzy: Simon has a point, Jacey
Jace: "Jacey" I thought Alec is only the one to call me that
Izzy: Speaking of Alec, where is he
Clary: With Magnus
Simon: *Doing Magnus
Max: What
Izzy: Nothing to worry about, Max
Jace: Max, I'm going to unadd you
Max: Ok
Max has left chat
Clary: ... so
Jace: I'm bored
Raphael: Same!
Magnus: I swear
Izzy: ^^
Simon: ??
Raphael: Shouldn't you be finding Camille?
Simon: .... on it ...
Magnus: Salvation is in trouble
Simon: *Simon
Izzy and Clary: We do!!
Magnus: Of course you do
Simon: Coldhearted, much?
Jace: :)
Izzy: ^^
Clary: I'm bored
Simon: Me
Jace: Ugh, where's my parabatai
Izzy: True
Alec: JACE, really
Jace: I had to do what I had to do, Alexander
Alec: *Alec
Izzy: ^^
Jace: :)
Alec: ... why are we parabatais
Jace: Because you love me
Alec: *loved
Izzy: ^ true
Jace: Izzy? Clary? Even Simon? You guys love me, right?
Simon: Eh, no
Izzy and Clary: Not really
Jace: At least Magnus loves me
Magnus: Ha, no
Jace: Come on! :((
Simon: :)
Jace: I hate all of you
Izzy: No, you don't
Alec: True
Jace: ALEC
Clary: Uh oh
Jace: You better hide
Alec: You don't even know where I am :)
Jace: I'll find you
Alec: ... good luck
Izzy: You're not even in New York, are you?
Alec: ^ yes
Jace: ... are you in America?
Alec: ... no
Clary: OH
Izzy: Yep
Jace: Tell me so I can kill him
Magnus: Touch my Alexander and you're dead
Alec: HA
Jace: Damnit!
Simon: Jace just got defeated
Izzy: ^^ he'd be dead immediately
Clary: True. Never go against the high warlock of Brooklyn

A/N: I just got a Tumblr so please follow me if you have an account. My username is the same as this one (severusouatpll), bye!

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