Only One You

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Trigger Warning: Rape and abuse. Don't read if it makes you uncomfortable!!!!!

Alec's POV
When I came out as gay, I never expected all of my friends to turn on me. Jace and Sebastian were the worst as they hit me every single day and Fridays would be the worst. "Hey, gay!" Izzy, my sister, spat before pushing me to the ground. "We should take him to Magnus," Clary laughed as she kicked me. I was lying helpless on my stomach and could only cry as I kept getting beaten. "Alec, you don't look so good," Jace laughed, turning me on my back only to kick my face several times until I lost consciousness. Even unconscious, I could hear the laughter from Sebastian as his foot was also connecting to my face.

Time skip

Alec's POV
I groaned as I try to get up but was pushed back down by someone. "You're not completely healed yet," a males voice spoke. "Where am I? Who are you?" I asked.
"Shh, Alexander. You're in my apartment and I'm Magnus"
"How do you know my name?"
"A blonde guy told me"
"So you met Jace, one of my arch enemies"
"I guess so"

Few hours later

Alec's POV
My eyes fluttered open as I tried to get up but found I couldn't as rope was holding me down. "Finally, you're awake!" Magnus smirked. "Will you let me go?" I asked.
"Never, Alexander. Oh, did you think I was on your side? Sorry to destroy your hopes up, but I'm not"
"I don't understand. You-you healed me!"
"Yes. Only to beat you again. Honey, I heal people only to get them in pain again 24/7"
"What are you?!"
"A monster, sweetheart"
Magnus grinned as I struggled to get free. "They only get tighter," he whispered before punching me several times. My mouth got gagged with rope and my eyes got blindfolded. Magnus laughed as he pounced on me and shook me hard until I realized what was happening. I wanted to scream but couldn't. My eyes got watery as I allowed tears to fall. Magnus smirked and pulled out of me as he untied me only to push me off the bed onto my knees. The rope was taken out of my mouth. "There is only one you," Magnus laughed before punching me repeatedly. "I just-" I stuttered as I threw up blood while Magnus took me from behind.

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