If Only

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Warning: There will be mentions of rape, abuse, and talks of suicide. Don't read if it'll offend you or make you uncomfortable!!!

Alec's POV
I shook my head looking at my sister who seemed shaken after what happened. I couldn't blame her though, she just turned old enough to let it happen to her. My adopted brother would be next and he wasn't really scared. "Jace Herondale," she spoke holding out her hand to him. Jace didn't even hesitate, he just took it. "Alec, are we going to be separated?" Izzy asked. "No, Izzy. We'll be together, I promise," I reassured her but honestly I didn't even believe myself. There was a chance I would be taken away from my siblings since I was the eldest and one of the most valuable men. It was up to the owners who chose what would happen and my hearing was today. I hadn't heard anything making me more terrified. "Alexander Lightwood, please come with us," they spoke. I silently said goodbye to my sister and followed them to another room. "Well?" I asked.
"You'll be leaving tonight at 9. He paid a good price for you"
"I can't leave my siblings!"
"You will and it's final. His name is Magnus Bane"
"Please. Allow me to have a proper goodbye with my siblings"
"Very well"

Time skip

Alec's POV
"This can't be happening! You promised Alec!" Izzy screamed. "Izzy, I don't have control of what happens! I shouldn't have promised you," I sighed. Jace was quiet and shook his head. "I'll be with you Izzy," Jace admitted.
"Jace, you could possibly be next. You're almost old enough"
"Just be with her until you're forced to go"
"I promise Alec"
A knock on the door made me jump and sigh. "It's open!" I shouted. The door opened to reveal a very handsome man with Juliet and Mason, two of the owners. "It's time," Juliet announced glancing at me. I nodded and pulled my siblings into a hug that would be our last. "Izzy, promise me you'll be strong," I spoke before standing up. "I promise Alec," Izzy cried before leaning onto Jace getting his shirt wet. "Alexander, meet Magnus. He'll be your new master," Mason stated. "Don't worry Alexander, I'll take good care of you. That is if you do nothing wrong of course," Magnus smirked with a smile.

Time skip

Magnus's POV
I was surprised on the way Alec was acting. He would allow me to do whatever I wanted to do to him without any fear showed in his eyes. "On the bed pretty boy," I smirked walking into my room. Alec obeyed quickly and jumped on the bed only falling off but got up immediately to return. I laughed slightly before pouncing and tied his wrists to the bedpost. "Your sister was quite beautiful. But not as beautiful as you," I smirked while roaming my hands on his chest. "Don't you dare talk about my sister!" Alec spat.
"Don't you dare talk back to me!"
Alec showed fear as I slapped him hard. "Now you're afraid?" I smirked playing with his hair and gave it a harsh tug making Alec yelp. "You're making me afraid sir," Alec stuttered.
I smiled kissing his lips hungrily. "Tell me my Alexander, how did they rape you?" I whispered. "Like I'd tell you," Alec spat.
"Oh? Guess I'll have to buy your sister then"
"Don't. You. Dare"
"Then tell me sweet cheeks"
"Rough. No mercy"
I smiled and did my work the same earning some screams from Alec forcing me to go rougher.


Izzy's POV
I can't do this. I sighed standing over the edge of the rooftop but jumped back down and ran to Jace. "You can't kill yourself Izzy," Alec told me one day. "Alec, I'm scared," I spoke through my mind.
"You'll get caught Izzy. Besides, it's not that far down. You'll probably just break a bone or two"
"I want to die"
"Sometimes I want to as well"

Alec's POV
I was literally scared that Magnus would do something different to me and I just wanted to hide. But it was hard to hide when you were tied up. "Alexander darling. I won't hurt you too much," Magnus smirked coming closer with a knife and some other weapons. My heart began to beat faster because I was super terrified. Magnus smiled before starting to abuse me as I screamed out the entire time.

If only I didn't have to be a sex slave for the rest of my life only to survive.

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