Rivals Part 2

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I should be sleeping but whatever.... 😂😂 btw, the Clalec parts might sound like a relationship but I would never do that to Alec!!! (Why do people even ship them. Alec is GAY, not bisexual or straight)

Alec's POV
"Alec!" Clary yelled, running towards me. "Be careful, Clary!" I warned but it was too late as Clary already ran into my car door.
"I'm fine!"
"Are you sure?"
"I don't know! Have you seen Jace?"
"He was getting beaten up by Ragnor Fell"
"How?! Jace is like stronger than him!"
"I know"
Clary sighed and took me by the hand before dragging me inside. "Clary!" Jace shouted, running up to us. "Jace, you look terrible," Clary laughed.
"Wow, thank you. I'm sure my girlfriend will be supportive of me"
"How is Maia anyway?"
"She's fine"

Time skip

Alec's POV
"Work is so hard," Izzy groaned. "No it's not. Pay attention in class more and you'll see," I sighed.
"I do pay attention, Alec!"
"No, you don't"
Izzy gave me a glare before hitting me gently on the shoulder. "Iz!" I whined in fake hurt. "Siblings or couple?" Catarina laughed.
"Siblings, obviously"
Izzy chuckled giving a glare to Cat. "We're siblings," she hissed. "Doesn't look like it," Raphael laughed. "Let the two lovebirds be," Magnus smirked. "Maybe after they both learn a lesson," Cat grinned. "Oh, give me a break. I'll hurt you before you hurt me," Izzy snapped. Cat laughed before walking to my sister.
"Is that a challenge?"
"You bet it is"
"Let's all be reasonable here," I growled. "No. I love the other idea," Magnus hissed before shoving me hard, making me fall. Raphael laughed as he came behind me and started kicking me. "Loser," he snarled. Magnus grinned as he kneeled in front of me and started punching my stomach. "Let's see how long you last," Magnus purred as he blindfolded, gagged, and tied me. I felt Raphael walking away and the hits Magnus was giving me.

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