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Alec's POV
I sighed walking out angrily of the Institute slamming the door behind me. I literally ran as fast as I could to my boyfriends apartment opening the door very hard that it ended up breaking down. "Alexander! What the hell?!" Magnus yelled running up to me and crossed his arms. "I'll fix that. Sorry," I answered flopping down on the couch.
"Why the hell are you doing this?"
"I like it. New me, new start"
"Alexander, you would NEVER go rouge!"
"I'm fine, okay?! No need to worry!"
"I'm your boyfriend, I have the right to worry!"
"I'm leaving. I need air and something to destroy"
"I'll see you later, Magnus"

Later that night

Alec's POV
I laughed destroying the first thing I saw not caring how damaged it got. "Alexander, stop!" Magnus shouted, grabbing my wrist a little tightly. "Let me go!" I yelled trying to get out of his grip.
"This is not you!"
"Magnus, let me go!"
"No, Alexander"

Back at the apartment

Magnus's POV
I sighed as Alec squirmed under the ropes his hands were tied to. I had to do it because he kept fighting trying to get back out. "Alexander, I never thought you would go rogue," I sighed walking slowly to my boyfriend. "I love going rogue. Magnus, you would enjoy it," Alec argued trying to loosen the ropes.
"I did many years ago but it's not worth it. It eventually takes control of your life. I literally had to fight to get out. I don't want to see that happening to you"
"Magnus, I'm fine"
"No, you're not. I'm not allowing you to leave until you get your life back together"
"Let me out! I need to destroy!"
This was going to be a while.

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Where stories live. Discover now