Miss You

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Alec's POV
My hands were trembling as I fell down to my knees holding my dying sisters body. "You're going to be okay," I struggled but I knew it was her time. "Alec, it's time for me to go," Izzy coughed before taking her last breath.
"I'll never forget you, sister"
Losing everyone I ever loved made me heartbroken. I wish I never became immortal because everyone left me just like that. My former parabatai was murdered right after my transformation and now my sister was dead due to a demon. Simon and Clary never left me but had to move out of New York so I barely ever saw them even though we still keep in touch. The Institute was burned down forcing me to move in with my ex which was very awkward. Magnus barely talked to me and when he did, it was mostly for dinner and other important things. I sighed running as fast as I could to the apartment which just ended up in struggling with the door. I sighed as I finally entered only to find Magnus on the couch watching some tv show. "Magnus," I struggled making him jump up and looked at me. "Alexander, what's wrong?" Magnus asked sadly.
"My sister. She's gone, Mags"
With that, Magnus ran up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist holding me tightly. "I'm here Alexander. It's going to be okay," Magnus repeated rubbing circles on my back. "I miss you Magnus. I need you," I whispered.
"You'll always have me Alexander. Aku Cinta Kamu"
"I love you too"

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