"Engaged?! That's The Best You Came Up With After Our Breakup?!"

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Alec's POV
Eight weeks has passed since Magnus broke up with me and I was still a mess. My mind internally slapped myself as I was making an "Alexander bored project" on the walls of the Institute. "Hi Alec! What are you- what is that?!" Jace asked, turning his head sideways. "Um... I don't have a name for it yet," I admitted.
"You're bored, aren't you?"
"Pretty much"
"Anyway, Magnus is in the Institute. Just letting you know"
"What do you mean Magnus is in the Institute?!"
"I mean Magnus is in the Institute in the library with Maryse if you want to be specific"
I just shook my head before walking to my room and screamed in my pillow. The door opened to reveal a very curious Isabelle. "Why is Magnus in the Institute?" Izzy asked. "I don't know, you tell me!" I argued.
"Mom is expecting us all to go to the library. Apparently, she wants to take Magnus out to dinner after all his hard work"
"By the Angel! Magnus and mom can't see me like this!"
Izzy stared at me before handing some pill to me. "Take this. It'll help with your appearance," Izzy explained. I glared at her before taking it. Suddenly, I was in a black and royal blue suit with a hint of mascara. "Okay but what's with the mascara?!" I groaned. Izzy shrugged. "You do have to admit that it brings out your eyes more," she spoke before leaving. I sighed following my sister to the library where everyone was forced to go.

Time skip to the library

Magnus's POV
I honestly wasn't listening to anything Maryse Lightwood was saying as I finished the job that I was sent here to complete. "Mom!" Izzy growled. "Oh sweetheart, you look beautiful," Maryse answered. "You're only saying that because she's your favorite daughter," Jace smirked.
"Jonathan Christopher Herondale, Izzy is my only daughter!"
"Someone's in trouble," I muttered before turning around only to see Alexander walk in. Suddenly, I had interest in the floor. "Magnus, thank you for helping this!" Maryse spoke forcing me to look up. "Of course, anything for you," I replied, forcing a smile. "So.. dinner?" Alec asked, breaking the awkward silence. Maryse nodded and walked out whispering something to Alec making him laugh.

Time skip to the restaurant because I'm lazy to write the car ride

Alec's POV
Of course, I just had to end up sitting next to Magnus ignoring the fact that my mother still believes we're in a relationship since I still haven't told her about the breakup. "So how is your relationship going?" Maryse asked making me freeze. "Mom, I need to tell you something. Magnus and I are-" I started before getting interrupted. "Alexander and I are engaged!" Magnus lied with no hesitation. "How long?! Can I see the ring?!" Maryse asked. With a flick of Magnus's wrist, my ring finger had an engagement ring on it which was very beautiful. "The ring, Alec?" Maryse asked again. Magnus cleared his throat singling me to show the ring. I sighed quietly before holding out my hand allowing Maryse to examine it. "It's beautiful!" Izzy exclaimed, going with the act. I forced a smile before glaring at Magnus when my mom wasn't looking. "You're welcome," Magnus mouthed.

Later that evening in Alec's room with the door closed and locked

Alec's POV
"What was that?!" I yelled at Magnus after he finished the soundproof spell. "I saved you!" Magnus yelled, calmly.
"Why did you lie?!"
"Because I know your parents!"
"But engaged?! That's the best you came up with after our breakup?! Really, Magnus?!"
"I panicked, okay!"
I sighed sitting down on the edge of my bed with Magnus following suit. "They're going to find out, you know," I muttered. "I'll make sure they won't, Alexander. You'll have to return to the apartment if you don't want them to know so quickly," Magnus sighed.

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Where stories live. Discover now