Dark Malec

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Alec's POV
"If we don't kill this warlock, we'll all die, understood?" Jace spat. "Or we can just kiss him," I mumbled.
"Alec, did you say something?"
"I said he's the high warlock of Brooklyn. Do you really believe we have a chance?"
"We can try!"
"Jace, I support you but don't you think killing Magnus Bane is too far? Why can't we just imprison him?"
"We're killing him and that's final"
"Ugh, fine"
I groaned as I sat in my room before grabbing my phone and sending a quick text.

To: M ❤️

They're coming for you, I just thought I should warn you. They still believe I'm on their side and they're going to try to kill you. Love you 😘

It wasn't long before I got a response.

From: M ❤️

Thank you, darling. Come earlier so I can activate the traps for them. They won't know what's coming. Love you too 😘

To: M ❤️

I won't be able to, I have to work until the mission :(

From: M ❤️

Come up with an excuse, I'm sure they'll be fine with it

To: M ❤️

You know how bad of a liar I am

From: M ❤️

There, now hurry. I'll send a portal when you're ready

"Alec!" Jace shouted. "Jace, there's been an emergency I need to get to. Please do my work, thank you," I replied.
"Why would I-"
"Because I asked so kindly"
I left a shocked Jace just standing in the middle of the room. "Alec, you're not talking straight!" I heard Jace yell and I couldn't help but snicker when I got out of the Institute.

Time skip

Magnus's POV
"Alexander, you look hurt," I teased only to get a playful hit. "I'm not hurt, I'm laughing," Alec stated.
"Something happened with Jace?"
"He said I wasn't talking straight and I just had to snicker"
"Doesn't Jace know there's nothing straight about you? I mean, you're gay"
I laughed and leaned in to kiss him only to get interrupted by his phone going off. "Ugh, it's Jace. I wish he was just dead," Alec hissed. "I'll help you kill him," I laughed.
"Of course you would. Let's see what the devil wants"

From: Devil Jace

Where are you?! We're getting closer to Magnus's

To: Devil Jace

I'm safe, Jace. I think you should turn around

From: Devil Jace

No, we're going to destroy him tonight

To: Devil Jace

You'd die trying

From: Devil Jace


Alec sighed and leaned in to kiss me while the traps were going off. "We'll kill you!" I heard Jace shout. I smiled as everyone trying to kill me fell to their death.

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Where stories live. Discover now