Almost Death (Moments After)

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"I'm fine Jace!" Alec yelled running to his parabatai. "Alec?" Izzy asked.
"I'm fine"
That was his last words before he went unconscious.


Jace's POV
"Alec!" I screamed running to his side as Izzy was crying. "Get him inside!" Catarina called. I nodded and picked up Alec quickly before carrying him inside. A snap of fingers changed the apartment to a hospital room. "Lay him down!" Magnus demanded. "Should we stay?" Izzy asked.
"Stay in the other room. We'll come get you if we need anything. Jace, apply an irazte (sorry if I spelt it wrong)"
I nodded before quickly applying the rune which of course had no effect. "There's too much poison," Cat explained grabbing some bandages and applied it to Alec's arm wound. "Go!" Magnus yelled rushing us out of the room.

Magnus's POV
"Stay with us," I whispered before using my magic to heal the wounds near Alec's chest in my ability. Alec's unconscious form let out a scream as the pain was almost too painful. My magic was dangerously too low as Catarina applied pressure to the wound. I stopped healing for a minute just to catch my breath. "I won't be able to help much longer," I admitted. "Go get some rest, I'll call you if I need anything," Catarina demanded. I nodded and hurried to a bedroom lying down for some rest.

Alec's POV (in his mind)
I wanted to open my eyes but it was almost as if it was impossible. Where was I? Am I dead? "Open your eyes, Alexander," a voice whispered causing me to open my eyes in an instant. "Am I dead?" I asked.
"No. But you are dying. Only you can choose to live"
"What do you mean?"
"The magic will become dangerously low. They won't be able to heal you all the way. It's up to you to heal yourself"
"I can't!"
"Yes, you can. You have warlock blood inside you. You always had"
"Alec, if you can hear me, you're going to be okay," I heard a female voice said. A form of light showed me what was going on in my unconscious form. "My wounds. They're-" I spoke with worry in my voice. "Choose, Nephilim," another voice whispers through my mind. My eyes open again to reveal a white room with a girl in the middle. "Where am I?" I asked.
"You can have happiness and move on or you can be immortal and have a second chance. Choose wisely"
I blinked and the girl disappeared. What do I choose?

Magnus's POV
"No!" Izzy yelled while Jace was comforting her. "We tried everything," Catarina sighed sitting down on the couch. "We're so sorry," I whispered grabbing Alec's hand and gave it a squeeze before kissing it. "Magnus?" Alec asked opening his eyes.

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