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Part 2 of my vampire! Alec and human! Magnus AU

Alec's POV
I woke up with a start only to find I was in an unfamiliar bedroom. "Hello Alec," Magnus spoke making me look at him. "What do you want from me?!" I hissed.
"Now, now, that is not the way to treat your lover"
"I'm not your lover!"
"You really have no choice in this matter. My leader will kill you if you don't cooperate"
"I would like to meet your leader please"
"I'm afraid that's not possible at the moment but you'll meet her at dinner tonight"
"Like I'd join you!"
"I don't want to hurt you"
"Says the one who beat me up and brought me here"
Magnus growled before pinning me to the bed. "I have an actual reason why I do this! I wished I didn't have to, you know?!" He yelled. "I didn't realize. It's not my fault vampires and humans are enemies!" I yelled.
"I don't want to be your enemy, Alec. Just please cooperate"
"No. I'd rather die than be your lover!"
"She wants your blood. Dying will only speed up the process"
"She'll get my blood anyway. Isn't that what you want to accomplish?"
"No. I'm going to do everything I can to make sure she doesn't get it"
I sighed and shook my head. "Fine. I'll cooperate but if you mess up, I'll stop," I warned. "I can't promise I won't mess up but I can promise to always try to make you be happy," Magnus answered.

Time skip

Camille's POV
"Magnus!" I screamed. As if on cue, Magnus ran in with Alec. "Yes, Camille?" Magnus asked.
"Dinner is ready"
"Of course, of course"
"Wonderful to finally meet you Alec. I'm Camille," I introduced myself. "Pleasure to meet you too, Camille," Alec responded. I looked at Magnus before walking off to another room.

Alec's POV
"We're eating alone?" I asked before sitting down. "Apparently," Magnus answered, sitting across from me.
"This is a lot of food"
"Darling, you haven't even seen how much dessert we have"
"Don't call me darling"
"I need a nickname!"
I sighed. "Fine. If you need a nickname, call me prince," I spoke. Magnus grinned. "Why prince?" He asked curiously.
"Because I'm an actual prince"
"Is that so? Then your majesty, I'm honored to serve you"
I laughed. "Why thank you," I whispered. "Now eat, my prince but not too much. You need room for dessert," Magnus replied with a very soft voice. My mind went to dirty thoughts immediately after.

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