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Same storyline as a deal is a deal and the price, just a little different...

Magnus's POV
"There's shadowhunters here asking for you, Bane," Tyler spoke. "Ugh, just tell them to come in," I replied, annoyed. "Magnus Bane?" The blonde asked.
"Yes, yes, what is it?" 
"We need you to give Clary Fairchild's memories back"
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me, shadowhunter"
"Look, this is important. The mortal cup can be taken by Valentine"
"Oh, boohoo. I won't do it and I'm not changing my mind"
"Jace!" The black long haired girl yelled. "What, Izzy?! Is the mundane in trouble now?" Jace sighed.
"Well, yeah. But there are vampires attacking Alec"
"Meh, I don't care"
"He's your parabatai, Jace!"
"And he's also in love with me. What a fag"
"Jace! He could die!"
"Good, then he can go to hell for being disgusting"
"You're the one who is disgusting, Jace!"
"Get out," I snapped. "No! We're not leaving until you help us!" Jace shouted.
"No is a no!"
"What do you want?"
"Excuse me?"
"We'll pay a price"
"Fine. I want Alec"
"Deal, so I don't have to be with him ever again"
I rolled my eyes as Clary ran inside looking angry with a pretty boy who I assumed was Alec. "Jace! You could've helped me, you know!" Clary snapped. "You should've just left Alec to die," Jace growled. "Clary, come here," I spoke before she walked towards me. Jace shook his head before getting up and walked to Alec. I sighed as I gave Clary her memories back.

Alec's POV
"You're still alive?!" Jace laughed before shoving me. "Clary saved me so," I responded, earning a punch.
"She shouldn't have saved you!" Punch.
"Jace!" Izzy yelled, pulling him off me after he gave me a good beating. "What the duck is wrong with you?!" Magnus shouted, using his magic to burn Jace. I just watched as everyone left me with Jace laughing and the girls with sad faces. "Let me guess, I was the price?" I asked. "You were, baby," Magnus smirked before kissing me passionately. Whatever happened next is your imagination.

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 2Where stories live. Discover now